Legal questions on Criminal Law

false allegations under section 354 of IPC

one forty year old lady, who is a divorcee, married with a young 20 years old boy, without legal divorce from her ex husband framed false allegations on me of molestation. however there is no evideces nd witnesses with her. she in her complain said on 7th may night incident happened with her and she lodged fir on 12th may no explanation gor delay. on same day her husband filed a missing report ...

Ipc 354 - complainant was trapped this time

Dear sir, I am living with my family in delhi. few months back We made a police complaint against some of anti-social elements of the areas. FIR was registered and police took strict action against them. They all ran away. but after few days of time, some of them came back and started to harass and threatening my family that we should take back all of the police cases otherwise we have to f...

Can a name be removed from FIR during investigation?

My sister was living with her husband and their one and a half years old daughter. My brother-in-law has some disputes with some people from another place. They had complained against him in a police station in their area. When police came to my sister's house, she was alone with her one and a half year daughter. It was 5 in the morning, there were 5-6 policemen with 2-3 outsiders, one of them ...

Non registration of case against PP by Authorities us 19(a) EPAct

Dear Sir, 2x500 MW Marwa Tendubhata thermal power project has been accorded environment clearance dated 05.02.2008 which expired on 05.02.2013 but project proponent did not submitted any request for extension of environment clearance and lighted up unit on 12.12.2013. At the time of lightup project proponent was not having any Environment Clearance or Consent to Operate as per EIA Notificat...

Interpretation of Quash (of Sec 498a) under Sec 482

Dear Sir my wife filed case of 498a against me & my parents last year. After challan copy get filed in Court by police , i appeared before high court and took stay on trial and prosecution. I also applied for quash under Sec 482. The High Court quashed the case on Ground : 1. No mention of date , time , Place of incident in FIR 2. No specific allegations levelled against the person in ...

Appeal against part of order of the Single Judge of HIGH Court

I had filed a Criminal Writ Petition in the High Court and it was decided by a Single Judge of High Court. The major judgement is in my favor but in my prayer I had asked for Process Issue against the accused. But because in the lower court JFMC the prayer was for action against Sec 156 (3) and Process Issue the Court said that due to that it is ordering for Sec 156 (3) action against accused...

Dear Sir, I got married in Dec 2013 & within 3 months of my marraige,my husband & in-laws(since i was staying with in-laws) started harrasing me for dowry.My parents had financed the entire marriage/given cash of around 40Lacks & had even funded the honeymoon too. After marriage they kept abusing me & harrased me so much that i had thoughts to comitt suicide.They didnt even give me food t...

false F.I.R. for property

My mother-in-law (widow) has two sons and two daughters. both daughters are married and living in their respective homes. Elder son is married & living separately. Younger son who died recently, was living with his wife and my moth in law and was married from 7.5 years and has no kids.The house they were living is registered in the name of my Mother in law. after his death his widow filed the f...

Legal advice about a case of fight

Sir, in jan 2012 i was traveling from kharagpur jn to Puri jn in a train with my wife,parents one brother and sister when few local boys started eve teasing,singing burglar songs and consuming liquor etc.I asked them to stop these nonsense but they started abusing me and also they all attacked me.They hit me on my head and so it started bleeding,also one of them bite my wife thumb with his teet...

Owner's caretaker not retuning token money and is abusive

Hi, We are in Chennai and soon shifting to Bangalore so we have finalized one apartment on rent in Bangalore through a broker named Kush and transferred the token amount of INR 5000/- on some lady’s account whose account details were send to us (Not sure if she is owner’s wife) through online transfer provided by broker on 12 May 2015. As per our broker Kush- after the money is transferred t...

about 420 act

I paid a company Rs 182400/- in order to purchase goods as i am a distributor of different companies. The agreement was made under guwahati jurisdiction which is around 400 km away from my place of business i.e Silchar. its been around two months that the company is giving me several dates to have sent ordered goods but till now I have not received any goods. when the company is contacted they ...

False FIR filed under section 420

Dear Sirs, I am from Chennai. My case is almost same like the tamil movie “Pachaikili Muthucharam”. Please read fully to understand my situation. Actually I am married and separated due to family issues. After my failure marriage life, I started to find outside woman for physical relation who needs like me through internet. Also I got a lady’s contact as she was posted in internet like she a...

Marriage with my girlfriend

I was in love with a girl since last 7 odd yrs,in Aug 2014 she have ditched me,her family knows that we are in love and we will get married,she is not giving proper logic while denying our relationship,i have never misbehaved with her & never done anything wrong ( never done sex with her ) now she and her family hates me so much that i cant explain here, she is still denying this relationship a...

Revision u/s 125 Cr P C

Background Its been almost 10 years of our marriage. Both parties have second marriage. We have daughter aged 8.5 yrs out of this wedlock. My wife is double Post Graduate and was working before marriage. After marriage, we have been staying at the 1st floor of my parents house (non-ancestral property). After a few years of marriage, my wife has been very short tempered and violent lady u...

Threat from Gangsters

Type your question here. Do not use ALL Cam residing in Pune and me and my family is under threat from one Gangster. In my nearby area one family residing and all the family members therein are criminals/gangster. They are in Crime since last 30 years and they have been invlolved in serious cases like Murder, Extortion, Land encroachment etc. They have acquired our land in Pune City forceful...

want to get divorce

I have gone through all difficulties which were made by ma husband and his family he always physically and mentally harrashed me. He Neva use to bring even primary requirements to get servive like grocery and all when I ask , always beat me like animal stating that I have a loan of 11lacks. Ma parents fulfil all my requirements till today by transacting amt to ma account , he is a central govt ...

498a girl want to come back

Hi, I am married in 2010, I have baby boy 2012 and my wife filed 498a in 2013 Jan. Till now the case status is in trail and now summons issue to her. However this Jan(2015) I filed divorce petition. After this she started saying that she is willing to rejoin. Recently in 498a court premises she created scene that she caught our legs and asking apologize me and my parents. Actually at t...

Need your suggestion what to do now?

Hello! I am a student I live in a flat with 4 room mates. My one room mate (oldest) lost his 10,000rs which he had kept inside his bag's chain about a month ago (as told by him) according to him he had checked it till last Thursday (23rd april) the money was still there, but when he checked it after 3-4 days the money was not there, and directly or indirectly he suspects all his room mates (inc...

Harassed by wife and her parents

Hello, my name is Sudheer, I got married in Nov’2013 and from the day one, I have been facing severe issues and harships because of her unnatural behavior. She has no respect for parents, elders and fights with everyone. (Family members, relatives, friends, including maid, owner, at shop, temple.. everywhere). Her parents too supporting her and I and my parents was literally harassed by both my...

IPC 1860 (u/S-279,337)

Sir, I met with an accident in Shimoga on April 2. I was on my bike riding through the main road, suddenly a bike coming from the opposite direction made a turn to enter a lane on the left of my road! He had not put any indicators for me to notice and he might have misjudged my speed also. I panic braked but still hit the rear tyre causing both of us to fall. He wasnt wearing any helmet and hen...