Legal questions on Criminal Law

Cheated by country club india limted

I was offered free gift by Country Club India limited and was requested on phone to attend the presentation in Wave Mall Noida. I with my wife and two little children went to their office. They offered the membership for Country Club Vactions for 25 years for 6 nights and 7 days. The amount was very high. I refused and told them that I cannot afford it. Then they lured me by offering EMI scheme...


I m divorces and had been in contact with a man for an year who first said that his case was awaiting divorce he loves me and so we were in a relationship and came to know after an year that he did not apply for divorce at all and he was staying away from his wife since ten years.then after my pressure he applied for a divorce last year in May.A dowry case is already going on against him which ...

Problem in Closing 498a case

Dear Sir, I have been roaming around courts for last 2 years. I have filed for divorce and in reply she has filed RCR,DVC and Criminal Case(u/s 498a,406,506,DP 4 & 6). Finally when i submitted my evidences to court she came for a compromise and agreed to withdraw all her cases and go for Mutual Consent Divorce.As agreed we both have written an MOU and as per the MOU agreement all the article...

Can I take any legal action ?

I am a girl..I was in a relationship with a man who was my professor in the past....after living that institution we came into a relationship. he was married and I knew this...but he told me he will marry me in fact he married to me in private....i had physical relationship for two years on regular basis...i got pregnant he asked me for abortion which I did....for two I continuously asked him t...

Sexual Abuse at workplace

Dear Sir, I Satyam was working with indian railways, and now i am retired. the case is of 2014, a lady staff entered my office to use my toilet. and as she was a ticket collector i asked her to use their toilet in their office. But she still used toilet of my office. One day while she was using the toilet i just asked her to flush off after use. I told in hindi "Madam Paani Daal dena" and here ...

Defamation on internet

CASE DETAILS We are importers of all kinds of educational products, games, toys, DIY kits, science projects, robotic kits etc. We regularly advertise on internet to appoint distributor for marketing of our products. We also teach robotics to kids and children for which we also offer Franchisee to open robotic training centers in different cities. During the month of March, 2015 one person BMR...

Cheated by my gf

My muslim gf got her kullanama in nov 2014.later she stayed live in relationship with me till june june 2015..i realised she was in touch with her ex-hubby and something was fishy....we had an argument for the same. a week later , she did a police complaint of mine with the ex-hubby for harassment...her ex-hubby with the help of local police , abused me of dire consequences...i am in st...

Fir registered on me on non payment of salary in 420 section

I have a company in delhi which was shutdown by delhi highcourt order on the ground of trademark copyright act, as the result i shut down this company and my 16 employees are now job less i dropped them a email about it and acknowledge them to stop working and windup of business. few days after all staff gives a complaint against me for 420 non payment of salary etc, here i received 25k from...


Dear Sir, I had a case on me u/s 354 six years back. I was 18 years at that time. I was playing with children. one child (girl) was playing with us. She was only 5years. While playing the girls cloths were gone up and peoples running besides to her had seen this and they told that u were doing wrong things with this child, and they put a complaint against me u/s 354. the complainer was residi...

Check bounce

Dear sir, Hi this is Raghu Vamshi Krishna, i will directly come to the point. I intended to do MSc in canada so i went to the consultancy to fasten the process and i have paid nearly 4lacs as tution fees to the college through them and some as processing fee they have delayed my process and didnot inform me how they gonna file the document. Later i was informed rejection. As they used the w...

Please help.......Fake FIR u/s 354a/506/509

Need help urgent basis. Pls help me..... I am 35 years old,I am doing private job. I had newly shifted in my incomplete home with my family my mother age 75 years old, my wife age 32 years, my one elder daughter age 6 years,2nd daughter age 3 years. I am only one earning person and I have huge responsibility of my family. my neighbor regularly doing quarrel with me and my wife and use abuse l...

Early marriage

My servant has approached me for help. her son who is 19 ran away with a girl 17 years and were married with the support of some of his friends, 10 months back. the girl's mother filed a case on the boy for kidnapping and marrying her daughter who was then a minor. the girl attained 18 last month. The case is still running in the court. my servant maid's son was put in jail for 2 months and 10 ...

Medical malpratice

On may 14th, 2015 my grand ma was not well and we consulted a doctor from our place. He gve her 3 injections at that time and he said tht its urine infection without checking her urine. Then she went home. on the same day evening she again well ill and took to a hospital were the same doc is working( the doctor itself said us to take her to his hospital). on the next day morning she was well an...

Is it defamation

A complaint was filed against an advocate in Bar Council of AP that the advocate was indulging in LIC business too which is against the rules of conduct for advocates. The said advocate replied that he was not aware of the rules and asked for pardon with promise of not repeating which was granted and the complaint disposed off. Now the same advocate renewed his license to continue LIC bus...

Proceedings in India after one sided divorce in US

My sister got married in India only while she was working and staying in U.S. Even her husband was there since very long. This was an arranged marriage fixed by the parents ( both staying in India) . Due to her husband's odd behaviour and thinking my sister started going in depression over there. Even her mother-in-law would keep calling and abusing her on phone. After some research I did on od...

False Report of Eve teasing on Police number 100

I am a resident of Mumbai. The arguement with my neighbour started on water leakage between our walls but My neighbour has misued the law and called police to frame charges against me that i tease her daughter. Police took me to Police station but there the compromise was done regarding water leakage and no complaint was lodged. I wrote a letter to SHO and got 25 odd neighbours signature that i...

Denied for paid flat maintanance charges and others

We are all flat owner have lived in single building aparrtment in north kolkata, problem is that our old landlord not given single amount of maintainence ( his portion 1st & 2nd Floor and he rent as commercialy office space 3/4th of his portion ) recently aries an problem that our submerciable pump is fully damage and it need to change, but we have no fund in our society account, he also not pa...

Suffering from Mental Harassment from the Manager and in a team

Hello Sir, I am working in IT Firm in an MNC (Tier 2 company) in Noida from the last two years. In these two years i have given the best of my knwoledge. But from the last 1.4 yrs i am facing the mental harassment from my manager like i will release you from the Job if you will not work, and when i ask for the release he denies to do. Even the Juniors has also misbehaved with me, in that case ...

Ipc 354d details

Hi Sir, One of my friend has put me a case against me on IPC 354D. we both were talking and chatting since 3 years. All of sudden her husband got to know so she got reversed and filed case aganist me in PS. Police investiagted further they said that we have deleted all messages and sms which i sent. So police just files charge sheet by taking both of them statements without any proofs. They ju...

My friend is blackmailing me... Help

I had a best friend... P.s not a boyfriend. He did love me a lot but I never said him that I will marry him... In fact I told this to his mom too... He was a very possessive and a stalker kind of person Now few months back it was a very emotional time and we both got little physical not sex! But still there was no kind of commitment given to him Now after so much of possessiveness a...