Legal questions on Family Law

Take Stay against order from High Court

Please go through my case: 1, My wife filed a case under section Crpc 125 Maintenance in Family Court in year 2013. She served me notice of back date alongwith wrong documents on the date of DV case, which she also filed me against in the another session court. 2. After getting notice, I went two-three times in the family court and checked the proceeding in the ordersheet, each time I saw...

Wife torturing husband

I met my wife in October 2014. We met through a matrimonial website. After meeting for few times we decided that we are the best match for each other. Out parents met and we got married in January 2015. I live with my mother in gurgaon and after marriage we started living there. My wife's office is in delhi near ITO. It was quite difficult for her to travel all the way there so After 1.5 months...

Mental harassment by mother in law and husband

Hello Sir/Madam, I am married since Dec 2014. I am a Dentist by profession and so is my husband. I am married far away from my state in India only. My mom in law, father in law harass me every day for every single thing in the house, thereby making my life miserable like hell. My mom in law has major influence on my husband and he agrees to whatever wrong she says. Whenever we return from clini...

How to quash the false charges under Crpc 498A & 125

I get married in year 2012, at the time of marriage my in - law produce a false evidence of age proof. Hence my wife has not completed age of 18 at the time of marriage. afterwards, I realised the truth when I applied for her admission in university, I have a 1.5 yrs old baby and My wife left my house and filed false charges against me, my mother and my sister. I have her personal diary ...

Can my wife claim spousal maintenance without fomal divorce ?

My marriage is almost 20 yeats old and solemnised according to Christian rites as both of us are christians. we had unreconcilable differences and lots of them that our marriage is on the verge of dissolution. I have two children, a 18 year old daughter and a 12 years old son. My wife is a graduate but not working. She is getting a monthly income of around 20k through house rent after adjustmen...

Can I travel abroad for studies

Sir, I am married women having 11 months girl child, suffering with my husband and his family. From the time of my daughter birth, my husband is not taking us to him/ his home or not even coming to my home (maternal home, where I am staying now) to see us. He is not even bothered about us. From 6 years I have been facing all sort of problems with him and his family, and now from the birth of m...


Hello Sir...My sister got married in 2011 to my very close relative. After marriage her husband got flew to Australia promising to take her as well. But in the absence of her husband her family and specially mother-in-law has started harassment and use to taunt my family in every manner. They have also put a condition that my sister has miss behaved with there family and kept a condition that w...

Hiding first marriage

I am a divorcee and got remarried to a doctor in register office under special marriages act. She represented it as her first marriage. I had produced my divorce papers. After two months of marriage I heard about the history of this girl which goes as follows. 1. Had an affair during her school days 2. Went to Russia for studying MBBS, had a relationship, got conceived, discontinued studies, ...

Please advice me

Respected Madam / Sir, My wife left my home on 14th February, 2013. She went to her parent’s house as normally with smiling face but informed after 3 days that she would not come to my house if I don’t fulfill her mother’s demand for money. After that I and my family members have tried a lot to get back her in my home. I have converted my single named bank savings account in our joint nam...

Cruelty by wife immediately after marriage (Marg date: 09/02/15)

My wife's brother and mother were forcefully living in the house rented by me for stay after marriage at Bangalore. In fact they were staying before marriage too. But when I asked my wife to arrange for them, she forcefully kept them at the matrimonial house. There was no agreement as such before marriage on this part. Her mother interfered in day to day life at the home after marriage and I...

Divorce case based on cruelty

I have filed a divorce case in Dec 2014 against my wife after a 2 complete year of separated life, she is staying with my 2.5 year old daughter in India. I also filed a custodian OP. We married in 2011 and lived together for 1 year abroad. She had taken almost 6 lacks from me during this period ( of that 3 lacks has evidence -online bank transfer -and she closed those bank accounts when I asked...

Help me to get a information for filing a divorce.

It's already 3 years to my marriage, and its being hell of a marriage. Not a single day goes when we don't fight for anything . we have a baby boy. We have done a love and arrange marriage, but after the marriage ,my wife started misbehaving my parents, so I took her with me to my workplace noida, here the same thing happens she used to abuse me , shout at me in the house, middle of a street , ...

Dual marriage case

Hello, my friend had sex with a girl for 7 years. actually they both called as lovers. they both are neighbors. the girl is 4 years elder than a boy. and the girl had a affair with a guy before get into love with this boy. one day unexpectedly they had sex due to lust and they continued their relationship for 7 years. the girl family accepted their love but the boy family was not accepted. But...

My husband threatening me to take my child away from me

Hi, I have been married for 3 years n this is our first child. She was born in Feb 2015, she is 7 months now. From the time I got married my mother in law harrased me alot n I patiently suffered everything for my husband. My husband during those times used to support me so she left to get native . after one year she came back when I was pregnant n again started the same tactics. She won't cook...

Maternal Uncle is tortured by aunt

For few months my maternal uncle (mama) is severely being tortured by my maternal aunt and their son (the exact reason is unknown as we were detached with them for several years due to some family reason). They are beating him with rod, slapping him and doing all kind of tortures. But since last few days my uncle (mama) is coming to our and other sisters' house to seek for help. Yesterday he we...

Abusive wife filed Interim maintenance

I am currently in Australia. Working as financial analyst. I got married last year in India and from 3rd day of marriage she started fighting, dirty abusing, hitting and started putting unrealistic demands. Finally after 4 bad months of marriage she left me and went to her uncle's house and in 15 days filed all cases she could (DV, 498A and Maintenance crpc 125). after that I came to Australia ...


I am a buddhist girl age 25 came down to Tamil Nadu for work on 2011 and my father passed away on 2011 dec. He owned a shop. During my days at work i fell in love with a guy who was a christian and hale from tamil nadu and had even got him introduced to my parents and he also did the same. I stayed with his family as we were suppose to get married by 2012 Jan. But by Dec 2011 my father passed a...

Harrased by In-laws

I am a 26 yr. girl R/O Delhi married to my neighbour in Aprl-2013 without permission of his parents .My parents were agree and organised the marriage. My in-laws were against to this marriage just because I belongs from SC category and my father was not able to fulfil there demands (Dowry).Even then my husband got married to me and because of this my in-laws through out us from their home then ...

Divorce against contest within 2months of marriage

My husband and I met through parents, fell in love and decided to marry. We had an amazing 2months courtship. My in laws and husband didn't give me even a slight hint of their intentions. Soon after marriage we went for our honeymoon. I had his phone with me and saw romantic messages of a girl and his response too. I kept quite for a month and kept reading the messages daily. After we returned ...

Can money given as a gift be taken back ? If yes, how much?

My father has sold his flat and given me 50 lac rupees in cash and cheque. I prepared the gift deed for that and taken his sign in front of two witnesses. Gift deed format is given below. GIFT DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that I, _____________ S/o Sh.___________ r/o ____________________, transfers voluntarily, CASH OF value of which is Rs.50,00,000 (Rupees 50 lac only) to my SON SR...