Legal questions on Family Law

FIR Quashing Petition Expenses

Good Afternoon, I have to clear my doubt, kindly help...Doubt is...I filed a case against my husband u/s 12 (DV) and a Criminal case (U/s 498a, 406 and 34) The court case went on for 3-4 years, but finally, the settlement was done in MEDIATION and the respondent decided to pay the amount of our marriage. Mediation prepared AGREEMENT PAPERS and we both signed the same, and now there will be 3 mo...

Advice for denial from marriage

We both are grade A officers and work in the same office. He proposed to me, and when I asked him about his intentions for our relationship, he confidently stated that he was looking for marriage. Before we began our relationship, I raised concerns about our caste differences. He assured me that he would convince his family to accept our relationship despite me being from a Saryupari Brahmin fa...

Process of divorce

After one month of marriage I came to know that my husband has taken loan from many sources, which he was defaulting. He began to ask money from me for all those loan/ his share market doings, when I refused, he began to harash me mentally and physically also using abusive language. I gave him in lakhs for the sake of running our marriage peacefully. After one year of marriage he left his job a...

My sister filed for restitution of conjugal rights. but brother in law sent divorce notice(Form No 11 Rule 15)

Hello, My sister and brother-in-law, who got married in 2021, live in Qatar and have a 6-month-old baby girl. They had a few fights that led to a police complaint in Qatar. In April 2024, he brought my sister and their baby to India, left them in front of our house, and then departed. His parents in India refuse to let my sister stay with them. Consequently, we filed for restitution of conju...

How to transfer land to my mother post my grandmother's death, given informal adoption in 196?

I have a question regarding the adoption of my mother. In 1969, when my mother was 7 years old, she was adopted by my grandmother, who was 34 years old at the time. My grandmother, who did not have children of her own, adopted my mother, who is the daughter of her own brother, then 37 years old. After her adoption, my mother married my father in the same village. Following their marriage, my fa...

Divorce settlement under India Hindu law.

We both Hindus married in Tamilnadu India 24 years completed , I am 50 and she 53 now. for the past 20 years we live in U.A.E. both working ,she is earning more than me. as per salary contract husband : 8000/month, wife: 14500/month. We have 2 children both studying medicine MBBS , 1 son studying in poland , 2 son studying in Tamilnadu. I am supporting all the education and need to support anot...

Psychological abuse from elder daughter in law and her children's

How can I register for complain for psychological and emotional abuse from my elder daughter in law and her children, (my elder son is no more) we all live in the same house my younger son and his family and the family of my elder son live on the other floor, there have been many verbal fights and abuse to me and my daughter in law(younger) there have been recently a case filed also for dispute...

Legal advice

My mother was a teacher in a govt school in Bhutan and my father is in GREF. In a recent argument regarding monthly expenses in the house, my father stated that he intentionally made my mom to quit the job as he wanted to teach me and my mom a lesson. He said not to touch his earnings, if we were to meet the monthly expenses, we should earn by ourselves - my mother is still taking home tuition...

I wanted to sepearate with my wife as she and her family torchering a lot

Hello, I got married two years ago. After our marriage, my wife requested that we live separately because she is employed. Over time, I realized that she does not want to live with or take care of my parents. She has blocked their phone numbers, shows no respect to me or my family when we visit, and does not serve them food when they come over. My parents are now in their 60s. We have had se...

Husband insulting me

My husband sent me out of his home and now he is insulting me saying that I don’t have the intentions of leading a married life as a good woman and is saying that I married him just for the gold he gifted me on our wedding where as the wedding expenses were born by my parents and was thrice the amount of gold my in laws gifted me … His biological mother committed suicide when he was a kid and t...

Divorce from wife

I’m 35yo male and living alone with my wife in Noida after marriage(DEC 2018). My parents live in Village (80km from Noida). Since the marriage, we have always had STRONG verbal arguments as she is highly immature and create issue on just anything. I’m into night shifts and she is into day, so we hardly meet in person or speak face to face more than 1 hour/day; and when we speak it gets ugly ...

Judicial separation

I have highly unsupportive husband and in-laws. It’s a 6 year marriage and I have a 1.5 year old daughter. I have been taking care of all possible household work expected by me, but still ever since marriage there has always been an unstable marriage which has impacted my work life with me changing 3 jobs and finally giving up my work life during Covid period. During pregnancy again there were ...

How can I proceed with filing for divorce due to lack of communication, unresolved medical issues, and familial interference?

My wife and I have been married since February 2018, after dating since October 2012. Throughout our marriage, we've faced significant challenges, including her family's interference and her health issues related to a childhood shunt surgery. Despite our attempts, she was never able to have physical intercourse due to pain, and she refused to use the medicines prescribed by doctors, taking no a...

Filing for divorce

I am a govt employee. My engagement cum Nikah took place 3 months ago in an arranged set up and Rukhsati has not taken place yet and the bride is still living with her parents. I was very happy and exited about it untill I started talking to her on phone right from the 2nd day of Nikah. She talked to me in a very rude manner and turned hysterical frequently, with occasionaly using foul language...

Breaking marriage after promise

Hello Sir and mam. My name is Varun Sharma. I met a girl in college in 2014-2018 batch and we are good together. At the end of college we decided to take relationship ahead and continued dating. I got a college placement and she too got it later in different company. We are good together until last year 2023 start when things start getting off track. The new that happened that moment is her si...


I am a UK born citizen, I got married in India November 2023 to an Indian citizen who currently resides in India. Shortly after the wedding ceremony in India the marriage begun to brake down. Following lengthy conversations in May 2024 she advised she no longer wanted to proceed with the marriage. To which I agreed. No visa application had been made. We have discussed applying for a mutual d...

Divorce related query

Hello Sir, My sister was married to our relative boy 7 months ago. He was alright in the beginning after a month he started forcing her to go for work and also started stating silly complaints to her sister(I.e. me)And they live in bangalore and her in-laws are put up at Mysore. Whenever she visited their place the mother in law would taunt her everytime and make big issue out of every small...

Abuse and disturbance among parents

I am Ayush from Kanpur, i am 18 My parents used to live happily earlier but from past few months my father started thinking that my mother is cheating on him and he started abuse and even violence with my mother in the absence of me and my little brother (15) . He is a government employee and my mother is a housewife, my father takes rest after almost every 15 days and returns to our home afte...

Wife not taking care of 1.5 year daughter

My daughter is just 1.5 year old and my wife is working women and she is working as a crew in some Airline and we both live in saudi arabia. Initially she had taken care of my baby only for 4 months when she was in india for delivery and later she came back to saudi arabia and given the child responsibility to her parents. They taken care of my child almost 7 months later they handed over ...

Matrimonial dispute involving NRI

My husband has citizenship of Canada, we got married in India, since marriage me and my family has faced mental torture and abusive behaviour from in laws. I have not been able to live with them for more than 2 months. When i went to canada to my husband, after one month when in laws visited there, i had to come back to india due to their abusive behaviour. Now since January, they have hardly t...