B.T. RaviAncestral property claim
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Answered by B.T. Ravi 10 years ago
Avdhesh ChaudharyMaintenace & Settlements clarifications
1 Month ago, I & my wife had an understanding for MCD & Rs.3 L settlement in the Honble Court by depositing the sum as FDR on both names & should be withdrawn on 2nd notion &...
Answered by Avdhesh Chaudhary 10 years ago
Avdhesh ChaudharyDissolution of huf
My father created HUF some 25 years back. He was paying income tax on my minor HUF account. He passed away in 2009. We brothers have partitioned. I retired from service in 2009....
Answered by Avdhesh Chaudhary 10 years ago
B.T. RaviBuying green belt land in Karnataka
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Answered by B.T. Ravi 10 years ago
Ashish DavessarMaintenace & Settlements clarifications
1 Month ago, I & my wife had an understanding for MCD & Rs.3 L settlement in the Honble Court by depositing the sum as FDR on both names & should be withdrawn on 2nd notion &...
Answered by Ashish Davessar 10 years ago
B.T. RaviCo-owner in my husband's house and land
Hi, My husband has bought a land and built a house on that land. he has taken a loan for building the house. (Land Purchase loan is closed). and in bank documents my Mother in...
Answered by B.T. Ravi 10 years ago
Pradeep BharathipuraMaintenace & Settlements clarifications
1 Month ago, I & my wife had an understanding for MCD & Rs.3 L settlement in the Honble Court by depositing the sum as FDR on both names & should be withdrawn on 2nd notion &...
Answered by Pradeep Bharathipura 10 years ago
S J MathewMaintenace & Settlements clarifications
1 Month ago, I & my wife had an understanding for MCD & Rs.3 L settlement in the Honble Court by depositing the sum as FDR on both names & should be withdrawn on 2nd notion &...
Answered by S J Mathew 10 years ago
R.K. NandaMaintenace & Settlements clarifications
1 Month ago, I & my wife had an understanding for MCD & Rs.3 L settlement in the Honble Court by depositing the sum as FDR on both names & should be withdrawn on 2nd notion &...
Answered by R.K. Nanda 10 years ago
S J MathewCo-owner in my husband's house and land
Hi, My husband has bought a land and built a house on that land. he has taken a loan for building the house. (Land Purchase loan is closed). and in bank documents my Mother in...
Answered by S J Mathew 10 years ago
Deepak TiwariMaintenace & Settlements clarifications
1 Month ago, I & my wife had an understanding for MCD & Rs.3 L settlement in the Honble Court by depositing the sum as FDR on both names & should be withdrawn on 2nd notion &...
Answered by Deepak Tiwari 10 years ago
Ajay SethiMaintenace & Settlements clarifications
1 Month ago, I & my wife had an understanding for MCD & Rs.3 L settlement in the Honble Court by depositing the sum as FDR on both names & should be withdrawn on 2nd notion &...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Deepak TiwariWife left my place and staying with parents
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Answered by Deepak Tiwari 10 years ago
Deepak TiwariCo-owner in my husband's house and land
Hi, My husband has bought a land and built a house on that land. he has taken a loan for building the house. (Land Purchase loan is closed). and in bank documents my Mother in...
Answered by Deepak Tiwari 10 years ago
Deepak TiwariProcess for obtaining Probate of Will in Gujarat
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Answered by Deepak Tiwari 10 years ago
Ashish DavessarPurchase of litigation property
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Answered by Ashish Davessar 10 years ago
Sudershani RayAdultery vs adultery, fathering a child out of marriage
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Answered by Sudershani Ray 10 years ago
Ashish DavessarCompensation for land acquired
My land was acquired for construction of bypass road under 1894 act and the following facts are obtained by RTI and on appeal under RTI on 1.08.2014 1. Last date of 4(1)...
Answered by Ashish Davessar 10 years ago