Legal questions on Property Law

Right of grandchildren over grandfather's property.

I was married in 2001, and i have two kids, a daughter and a son. I lived at my in-laws' house for about eight years. Now I'm living with my parents and my kids, because my husband was unemployed, a drunkard and a gambler. I worked as a music teacher and raised my kids through my income alone. However, my husband snatched away all my earnings and sold my jewelry for his abuse. He even created a...

Is there any body can file the case after registration of site

1) Purchased a site in 24 years back. The layout done by somebody and the Real owner and her only son came registered in our name. Actually the layout was not converted (Revenue Land) which I came know after many years. 2) In 2003-04 I was taken permission from the Grama Panchayath for construction of a house but some unavaoidable circumstance did not do. From the begining till the Selling of...

Regarding my father's land

Sir/madam, My father was expired in march 2005,and he had 1 acre of land on that time.this is his own property.till today his name has not changed in the registration.i have one brother and two sisters.i got marriage in some family disputes are running with this sisters and brother wants to register that land on their names only.they are saying that they wont give any part of ...

Owner fighting for the 32 years old rented room

Respected Sir/Madam, My self Pratap residing at mumbai with my whole family including Mom, dad, younger brother & my wife in a 32 years old rented room. My father had deposited small amount To owner A. (which dose not have any deposit receipt) took this room on rent in 1984. Me, my elder sister & younger brother born in the same place. My dad had old rent receipt, Ration card, Election card...

Heirship certificate and executing the property documents

Owners (husband & wife) of the property (flat in cooperative housing society in Navi Mumbai) dead in 2008. Deceased got one son and one daughter. They obtained heir ship certificate from competent court. However, they have not changed the name of the ownership to them in any of the property records, i.e. CIDCO, Revenue records, Society records etc till now. All the records are still in the join...

Seller's son is trying to grab our farm land

Sir We have purchase a farm near Indore MP approx 2 year back and got it registered. Also we have got the property mutated in our name ( we have the documents with us but when we check online it still bears the seller's name). Seller was around 70years old at the time of registry and was fit. Now 6months ago he passed away. All the payment was given through cheque except a small amount. Now hi...

Applicability of Sec 6/8 of Hindu Succession Act

Following the judgement rendered in Civil Appeal No. 7217 of 2013 Supreme Court Judgement in Prakash & Ors v. Phulavati & Ors of 16 October 2015 facts of a case as below continue to be in question a. An man bought a house ( living on first floor and rented ground floor- rented portion covered under rent control act) in 1944. b. In 1944, he had 1 unmarried son and 1 unmarried daugh...

Agreement issue

Dear Sir, what is the validity of an agreement. We have some agricultural Land some part of that was of our uncle in that and their relations are not good with us.They sail their part to a property dealer. They want to acquire road side land while in Map their land part was defined. To avoid all dispute after a long fights we decided to sail also our part land to same property dealer. we de...

Is unregistered partition deed valid or not?

Hi All, My father has received his share of immovable property from his father as a result of partition of my grandfather's property amongst his sons. The property was divided as agreed by all the brothers which was documented on a stamp paper. All the parties of interest(my father and his brothers) have their consent to the partition which was done in 1989 and duly signed by everyone includ...

Plot under legal dispute

Dear Sir I have taken aa Plot of 1500 sq. ft. in Pune Gram panchayat in Survey Number 84/1 from Mr. Subhash. Since, I had taken loan to purchase the plot, all documents pertaining to property were checked by the Private Finance Bank. Now, when I started the Construction on the Plot, I was asked by some Mr. Sarkar not to construct as it was under legal dispute. He claims that Mr. Subhash has ...

Mou legal standing

Facts : My father entered into an MOU with a builder to sell the land - the land was under letigation when the MOU was done - terms were to buy the land as it is - so we negotiated the price at a lower rate - deal was supposed to be closed in 1 month - against the MOU the buyer forwarded a cheaque with a repict of 5 lakh - but later he did not completed the deal and waited for 3 years due to co...

How to get 2 different share certicates for the same Flat ?

Respected Lawyers, My father had bought a flat years ago under his younger brother's name and asked him to stay there after getting married . My uncle had allowed one more of his younger brother to stay along with him and then he asked him to leave the house, as he used to pick up fights unnecessarily and create a ruckus. Years back my uncle on whose name my father had bought a property , pa...

Lease/Development of Agricultural land under litigation.

I am owning an acre of agricultural land near my village in Karnataka since 2007. The title of the land is in my name.However i am not utilising the land presently, as i am working away from my village.One of the cousin brothers of the person who sold me the land has filed a civil suit asking for ownership of 50% of the land , based on the claim that the subject property is an inherited propert...

Unable to reach common consensus between joint property holders.

My husband and his mom bought a property in 2012 in mumbai, my husband is the first owner while my mother-in-law is the second. my husband had taken a loan from the bank and has been regularly paying his emi. however, we relocated from the country and ever since then my mother-in-law has been living in tat house with my husbands younger brother (my brother-in-law). as we dont stay in that house...

Partition by memondrum

My grandfather were four brother,they don't have any ancestral property,later,in1945$1949,two of them purchased Aland,in joint name . A ,.b ,in meen time a mygrandfather started milling business with3 other partner with registered deed from1945onwards,letter that partnershipbussness came to end, all the assets$land came in hand of my grandfather by registered sell deed,in meen time a$b both too...

Partition Law and second wife son

My Grandfather(G1) and his brother(G2) has 3acres each, G2-My grandfathers brother didn't marry due which he thought give all his to My father(F1, i.e G1s son) and he did the same. Now My Grandfather(G1), and his son(F1) had equal property 3acres each. Then my grandfather(G1) made advantage of my father(F1) innocence and illiteracy, My grandfather sold that 6acres(3 acres + 3 acres) of land...

About confirmation to builder on encashing of post dated cheques

Hi, My friend had purchased a flat in 2013. However due to lack of funds the builder hasnt started the project. We cancelled the flat one year back in 2015. So we are expecting the amount paid (roughly 25% of the flat cost). We have been consistently been after the builder for the refund of our funds. He has now finally issued 3 post dated cheques for 3 months. However when issuing the chequ...

Tenant not in India and agreement expired, how can family vacate?

I am happy to see this site today. My sister's family is in Bangalore and their lease agreement had been made on my Brother-in-law's name in Dec 2012. The agreement was for 11 months and it got expired after that. No renewal was done after the expiration. Lessor had increased the rent amount twice so far and the family is paying rent regularly (Lessor has been giving receipts every month till...

Will based on disparity

Sir My grandmother owns a property (land), where my father and his brother are living. my father took loan and used a part of his salary to construct the house in 1990s. We are a joint family and all of us have very good relations. I am the adopted child of elder son, adopted from younger son (I got to know in 5th standard, but no one knows I know). We are 3 children in the family 2 daughter...

How to evict a tenant after settlement deal

Sir, I have 2 and a half ground land with 2 built in seperate single house one built in 1975 in about 1500 sq feet and other an an annexe building within the same compound in 1995 in about 800 square feet area.Both these house has individual entrances for the ground floor and an upper floor. The problem is with the main(bigger building) I had given my married daughter oral permission to stay w...