Legal questions on Property Law

Merger or amalgamnation of two or more flats vis-a-vis maintenance charges

In the light of the following facts whether the Society is legally bound to issue NOC for amalgamation of two or more Flats/units to be subsequently counted as one single unit for the purpose of charging maintenance? If yes, under which express law? : 1. Requesting member and the builder was fully aware that two or more unit is bought and sold and accordingly two or more agreements were made. ...

Common Corridor Usage Guidelines

Our Apartment is registered under the Karnataka apartment ownership act 1972. Recently our society management introduced a guideline for usage of common corridor, passages on the floor to de-clutter the passages of bicycles, skateboards, other stuffs of children etc. However, they also introduced a weird guideline to allow articles such as shoe-rack in the designated area that's just outsid...

Cancelation of registered agreement to sell

1) I enter in to an agreement (registered), with a condition of sale deed will execute within a month from the date of reciept of NOC from ahe bank. 2) NOC received on 02/04/ 2024 and handed over to purchaser on 03/04/2024. 3) Meanwhile some disputes regarding irrigation matter arises, and looking to the future I decided to revoke agreement. 4) on 30/04/2024 purchaser telephonically asked me...

Tenant denying to pay Maintenance Fee

As per lease agreement of 11 months, 16k rent and 500Rs maintenance fee. (verbally communicated this is equal to 5000L water expense at that time) As in Bangalore the water scarcity started. The tanker rate currently increased and stands at 1000Rs for 5000L. we have 5 kitchen houses in the building and we get 40000L avg cauvery water. So I installed water meter for each individual house. And...

Buying an Agricultural Land in Karnataka jointly with 3 people. Ideal entity to create for both purchase and operations

Me along with 3 other partners (salaried working professionals in Bangalore) are planning on purchasing a 7 acre agricultural land in Madikeri, Coorg, Karnataka. We intend to build a permaculture based farm there along with building a hospitality business (build short term vacation rental business by converting small portions of the property into commercial land) We want to keep the purc...

Partition – Determination of value of land allotted

We are two shareholders (two brothers) of about 20,000 sq feet of land in Jorhat, Assam. Our land slopes from one side to the other, but there are already houses built on this land (including double-storied ones) since longtime back. Since many years back into the past, the entire land has only one SINGLE Patta number, and one SINGLE Daag number. To me, this implies that the entire land is “ass...

Father's harassment and threatening to evict me from home where I also contributed to buy

Namaste, I am 42 years old male. It may sound unrealistic, but my father has been harassing me since my childhood, abusing me mentally, physically, as well as financially. In 2006, I contributed (25% approx) towards a property purchase, however, it was bought on my mother's name. After 5 years, he sold that house at a 6x of purchase price (got a great deal while purchasing and also a grea...

Someone sold land illegally

My grandfather had purchased a piece of land in three parts in 1966 and 1973. The legal heir of seller ie grandson alongwith with another 4 legal heirs sold my one piece of land to her married daughter and applied for mutation in December 23. In Mar 24, we came to know and put application for stay of mutation to circle officer. We have been called to submit our documents on 18th April 24. We ha...

Home Contractor cleverly took contract coy from my wife and not retuning back as he did mischief

I am akash dubey,I have given contract to anoop soni SSC construction now MMO construction. He has doen fraud with many people which i came to know later on .I had contract with him on 1550 ruppe.sq feet in Feb 2022 and till today he is not able to complete my house he has given 11 poessission dates and not able to meet.he has used cheap material every where .when i came to knew it was very lat...

Partition Clause and Sale of Property

Warm Greetings.... I'm a resident of Kolkata and living with my Parents and Wife in our own House. The stated situation is this the house which we are staying was once purchased by my Dad and the deed was made in name of my Father and Myself. Now after few years the single storied house was made into another floor above which eventually comprises of larger area than ground floor. Now, my fathe...

Partition suit - Rent being given to Non legal heir.

My father died 10 years ago and he had a son and a daughter(myself). He had 2 properties. One property he bought in the name of my brother and in other property which is in his name - he wanted to distribute among both of his children. 50 % to me and 50% to my brother. After his demise my brother had the possession of that property and started taking rent coming out of that property since last ...

Whether mother can settle her inherited property to her son alone

Hello sir! Can any one guide me with the below question. My mother got her inherited property once her father passed away in an accident(1970). As per the legal heirs her grandmother also got a share on it. But the grandmother and her sons release the property on her mother's name with a mutual consent that they will not ask share on this property and the same the legal heir should not ask f...

Property sold

Dear sir My grandfather sold one property in 2006 which was mortgaged to him for a sum of 1.5 lc INR in 1998 under a signed agreement where the other party promised to return the money with interest within 2 years which never happened. he was served notice in 2001 to return the money which he did not do and even did not appear in the court upon multiple attempts being made to serve him the sum...

Our neighbour encroached into our land.

Around 30yrs ago, a person name A(I don't wanna reveal his identity) owned a property X, and a person B owned property Y. A has illegally encroaches into Bs property without his consent and knowledge, B was financially not stable at that time and wasn't able to fight for his land legally so he left it. 10yrs before we buyed the property of B and also asked A to sell his property to us so that t...

Property Case

My husband bought a plot in Hyderabad in 2016. The plot was not registered as the dealer said that the plot has been sold off to some other party. So there was a MoU agreement which states that certain amount in the name of goodwill be given to us. The plot was for around Rs. 4 Lakhs something and the amount which was to be given to us was around Rs. 9 Lakh. This 9 Lakh cheque was issued on 31 ...

How can I protect my share of Agricultural Land from being transferred to my daughter-in-law and her son (my grand son) ?

I along with my only son, after the death of my husband, filed a suit for allotment of my/our share in the Agricultural land, against my in-laws family members. The Court passed orders in our favour that the land is to be divided in five parts as my father-in-law had three sons (two surviving and one (my husband) not alive) and two daughters (both married). My father-in-law and my mother-in-law...

Neighbour objecting for windows

Hi I live in gram panchayat in MP. This is a residential colony but i am not sure how the neighbouring school was approved. But my parents put up with it except all this. This school has 2 building of 15*80*4 floor= 4800sq feet . And opposing building 15*80 of 3 (3600) floor. This guy has himself 2 big windows on both building 2 the open side he has which is a big ground. There is a small ...

Time needed to evict son, DIL, and their two kids from my self acquired property

I live on ground floor of my house while my elder son, DIL, their two kids and my wife lives on the first floor. Recently my elder son came back with his wife and started living in a small room upstairs but in a matter of days, my elder son beat my younger son and put false allegations on him and me of beating their kids, disturbing the mental peace of his wife and also that we were trying to ...

Advice for Further Action

My name is Deepak Kumar Sinha. We are 4 brothers, 3 of them have passed away. On our ancestral land, at the centre of the city near Post Office, dispute is going on regarding property. The land is straight, including 5 shops ( 4 on the same land and other on little away from the plot). It is our father's land and currently registered in the name of my big brother and ourselves. One brother an...

Precaution to be taken while paying my Uncles family for my uncles share.

Court Commissioner gave report that property cannot be divided by meters and bounds. As per the preliminary decree my father has got 3/4th i.e 75% share in the property and my uncle has got 1/4th share i.e 25% share in the property. The judge has asked to settle the money, my uncle gets by ourself if possible.My uncle is no more and he has wife and 4 adult sons.Both parties agreed for Rs 8 Lakh...