Ajay Sethimental torture through cyber crime by girlfriend to a married men
After having relationship with a foreign lady, realised mistake and now she is blackmailing through social websites against a married man. Please advice on this what action she...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Rajeev Barimental torture through cyber crime by girlfriend to a married men
After having relationship with a foreign lady, realised mistake and now she is blackmailing through social websites against a married man. Please advice on this what action she...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Thresiamma G. Mathewmental torture through cyber crime by girlfriend to a married men
After having relationship with a foreign lady, realised mistake and now she is blackmailing through social websites against a married man. Please advice on this what action she...
Answered by Thresiamma G. Mathew 10 years ago
Rajeev Barimental torture through cyber crime by girlfriend to a married men
After having relationship with a foreign lady, realised mistake and now she is blackmailing through social websites against a married man. Please advice on this what action she...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Rajeev BariExtra-marital affair
My brother in law is having a extra maritial affair...and his Mom, Wife and children are suffering... we had given him enough time to forget past and get back to his family but...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Rajeev BariDispute over rental agreement
My flat owner has all kinds of unfair clauses stating if i leave the flat before 6 months of tenure then i have to pay 3 months rent as penalty. the problem is i signed the...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Ajay Sethimental torture through cyber crime by girlfriend to a married men
After having relationship with a foreign lady, realised mistake and now she is blackmailing through social websites against a married man. Please advice on this what action she...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Rajeev BariCheque bounce - area of jurisdiction
Dear Sir/Madam, I live in Bangalore and I gave some money in cash to an acquaintance in Bangalore. I didn't get any signed agreement for the payment as he gave a post-dated...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Avdhesh Chaudharylook out circular issued on the basis of an fir
An fir was issued againt 12 of my family members on the basis of a forged complaint by a relative. The section used are 326 and so on..An enquiry was made by the police and we...
Answered by Avdhesh Chaudhary 10 years ago
Avdhesh ChaudharyBuying a new house
My husband was married earlier and during that time purchased a house in joint name with his then wife. She was a house-wife, so the EMI was paid by my husband and the EMI still...
Answered by Avdhesh Chaudhary 10 years ago
Rajeev Barimental torture through cyber crime by girlfriend to a married men
After having relationship with a foreign lady, realised mistake and now she is blackmailing through social websites against a married man. Please advice on this what action she...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Rajeev Barimental torture through cyber crime by girlfriend to a married men
After having relationship with a foreign lady, realised mistake and now she is blackmailing through social websites against a married man. Please advice on this what action she...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Ajay Sethimental torture through cyber crime by girlfriend to a married men
After having relationship with a foreign lady, realised mistake and now she is blackmailing through social websites against a married man. Please advice on this what action she...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Rajeev Barimental torture through cyber crime by girlfriend to a married men
After having relationship with a foreign lady, realised mistake and now she is blackmailing through social websites against a married man. Please advice on this what action she...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Ajay Sethimental torture through cyber crime by girlfriend to a married men
After having relationship with a foreign lady, realised mistake and now she is blackmailing through social websites against a married man. Please advice on this what action she...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Rajeev BariCan cooking be termed an illegal activity ?
Hi, In our residential complex of 40 units, we plan to cook food in an open space which already has a concrete slab (constructed by builder) ~ 7ft x 10ft to celebrate some...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Rajeev Barimental torture through cyber crime by girlfriend to a married men
After having relationship with a foreign lady, realised mistake and now she is blackmailing through social websites against a married man. Please advice on this what action she...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Ajay Sethimental torture through cyber crime by girlfriend to a married men
After having relationship with a foreign lady, realised mistake and now she is blackmailing through social websites against a married man. Please advice on this what action she...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago