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  • False marriage promise and have physical relation

I have relationship with a girl since last 4 year . We both made physical relationship with mutual understanding. I made a promise to marry her. But now problem is I can not marry her because my family can not accept her due to her another caste. She many time tries to do suicide . She want to marry me in any cost.
How I resolve this problem???
Help me sir!
Asked 7 years ago in Civil Law

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7 Answers

1) it is better you honour your commitment and marry her

2) you had sex with her under promise of marriage

3) if girl commits suicide and leaves a suicide note you would be charged for abetment to suicide by the police

4) girl can also file case of cheating against you under section 420 of IPC

5) no case of rape is made out as it was consensual sex

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
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1. For a promise to be termed as 'false' in legal parlance it has to be proved that the promisor had no intention to honour the promise from inception. She had sex with you with her free consent. Your subsequent refusal to marry her does not render the promise false.

2. Since she has attempted to commit suicide you should send a written intimation to the jurisdictional police station through a registered post so as to insulate yourself from any penal consequences that may ensue if she succeeds in ending her life.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
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if both parties are major and thereafter established consensual relationship hence no offence of rape has been committed. in case of sexual relationship established on the basis of promise to marriage, it is held by the supreme court in catena of judgments that if party to the said relationship was aware that their marriage cannot be accepted by their parents then such sexual relationship shall not constitute any offence of rape or vice versa.

Shivendra Pratap Singh
Advocate, Lucknow
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Dear Concerned,

You may choose not to contact this girl at all, however she may file false cases against you for Rape etc, even though there are Supreme Court Judgement on same - sadly UP police works on their own created CrPc. Hence it would be good if you look at alternatives like leaving Aligarh for some time and living somewhere else - say till the time her parents marry her somewhere else.

Any legal action like complaint or anything will lead you deeper into problems.

Best of Luck .

Atulay Nehra
Advocate, Noida
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.You did not make love with him with the permission with your family members,

If that is so then now you can not use a girl and bandon on the pretext of family objection.

The girl truly loved you and gave everything on your promise. So you can not simply leave her in this way either morally or legally.

Do note that if the girl goes to Police then your life would be spoiled for ever.

So be aman and accept the girl of your life.

Good luck

Devajyoti Barman
Advocate, Kolkata
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Hi, Promise to marry and consented for the sex, it is nothing but a rape. So if she lodge a police complaint against you, then you are in trouble. It is better marry her. You have to think all this before making physical relationship.

Pradeep Bharathipura
Advocate, Bangalore
5607 Answers
336 Consultations

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If both of you are majors, you have to convenience your family and marry her.

Lakshmi Kanth
Advocate, Hyderabad
446 Answers
15 Consultations

4.7 on 5.0

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