Shailesh Poddar

Shailesh Poddar

Advocate, Delhi
48 Answers

5.0 on 5.0

Fluent in Hindi, English
About Advocate Shailesh Poddar

Shailesh majorly practises on the criminal side and has successfully conducted trials and argued bail applications before various District Courts of Delhi and also the Hon'ble High Court. He has also extensively worked on Cheque Bounce matters, Divorce & Alimony and Family Law.

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Practice Areas
Criminal Law
Cheque bounce, Fraud/Default, Forgery/Cheating, Breach of trust, FIR, Bail/Anticipatory Bail, Police action, Cybercrime, Trespass, Other criminal matters
Family Law
Marriage, Divorce, Alimony and maintenance, Restitution of conjugal rights, Judicial separation, Domestic violence, 498a, Child custody, Annulment of marriage, Other family matters
Civil Law
Legal notice, Civil cases, Civil disputes, Recovery of money, Motor accident, Medical negligence, Defamation, Right to information, Summary suit, Other civil matters
Property Law
Sale agreement, Sale deed, DRT/DRAT, Other property matters
Consumer Law
Consumer forum, Consumer protection, Other consumer issues
  • Delhi High Court

  • Supreme Court of India

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Office location
Delhi 110024
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