Usha Choudhary

Usha Choudhary

Advocate, Jaipur

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Fluent in Hindi, English
About Advocate Usha Choudhary

I'm Advocate Usha choudhary practicing in Rajasthan High court. You can contact me for Civil Cases, property cases, Family Matters, Divorce cases, criminal cases ETC.

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Practice Areas
Family Law
Marriage, Divorce, Alimony and maintenance, Domestic violence, 498a, Child custody, Other family matters
Criminal Law
Cheque bounce, Fraud/Default, Forgery/Cheating, FIR, Bail/Anticipatory Bail, Police action, Other criminal matters
Property Law
Rights of sons/daughters/wife, Buying property, Selling property, Partition of property, Tenant/landlord/eviction, Neighbour issues, Sale agreement, Power of attorney, Builder issues
Civil Law
Name change, Passport issues, Date of birth issues, Aadhar card issues, PAN card issues, Legal notice, Civil cases, Civil disputes, Loans, Recovery of money, Motor accident, Medical negligence, Insurance, International law, Immigration, Armed Forces Tribunal
Employment, Leave, Salary and pension, Termination, Relieving letter, Disciplinary proceedings
Consumer Law
Consumer forum, Consumer protection, Other consumer issues
  • Rajasthan High Court

  • Rajasthan High Court (Jaipur Bench)

Recent cases handled
Type of case
1 Jan 2023
Property Law
Tenant and landlord dispute cases.
Not guilty
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