Riti Gupta

Riti Gupta

Advocate, Mohali
16 Answers

Not rated

Fluent in Hindi, English
About Advocate Riti Gupta

She is a young and diligent Lawyer with a passion and dedication to justice having experience in Legal Affairs, Litigation, Drafting, Documentation, Research, Vetting and Compliances work.
She is highly organized and solution focused individual with experience in delivering favorable outcomes to the clients. A determined individual who works well under pressure and understands the complexities of the legal system.

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Practice Areas
Family Law
Marriage, Divorce, Alimony and maintenance, Restitution of conjugal rights, Judicial separation, Other family matters
Criminal Law
Cheque bounce, Fraud/Default, Forgery/Cheating, Breach of trust, FIR
Civil Law
Name change, Passport issues, Date of birth issues, Loans, Recovery of money, Motor accident, Medical negligence, Defamation, Armed Forces Tribunal, Other civil matters
Constitutional Law
Fundamental rights, Writ petitions, Public interest litigation
Consumer Law
Consumer forum, Consumer protection, Other consumer issues
Business Law
Corporate matters, Business contracts, Arbitration
Intellectual Property
Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, Media ownership, Piracy
Property Law
Rights of sons/daughters/wife, Legal heir, Legal heirship certificate, Buying property, Selling property, Gift deed, Muslim law, Relinquishment deed, Deed of family settlement, Succession certificate, DRT/DRAT, Other property matters
Employment, Leave, Salary and pension, Termination, Relieving letter
  • Punjab and Haryana High Court

Recent cases handled
Type of case
1 Dec 2022
Criminal Law
Arbitration matter
award awaiting
Riti Gupta's recent answers
Office location
Mohali 140308
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