Feroz Ahmad Parrey

Feroz Ahmad Parrey

Advocate, Srinagar
16 Answers

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Licensed for 7 years
Fluent in Hindi, English, Urdu, Kashmiri
About Advocate Feroz Ahmad Parrey

Law firm in Srinagar, Kashmir providing legal services and dealing with immigration solutions, civil, criminal, & business matters.Highly qualified groups of Advocates and Legal Consultants for all kinds of legal services with accurate and precise advice.

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Practice Areas
Criminal Law
Cheque bounce, Fraud/Default, Forgery/Cheating, FIR, Bail/Anticipatory Bail, Police action, Other criminal matters, Breach of trust, Cybercrime, Trespass
Civil Law
Civil cases, Civil disputes, Banking, Loans, Medical negligence, Defamation, Right to information, Insurance, International law, Other civil matters
Business Law
Corporate matters, Business contracts, Arbitration
Property Law
Rights of sons/daughters/wife, Legal heir, Buying property, Selling property, Sale agreement, Sale deed, Gift deed, Muslim law, Succession certificate, Wills and trusts
Family Law
Marriage, Divorce, Child custody, Muslim law
Constitutional Law
Fundamental rights, OBC, Writ petitions, Public interest litigation, Supreme Court, Other issues
Consumer Law
Consumer forum, Consumer protection, Other consumer issues
  • Bombay High Court

  • Jammu and Kashmir High Court

  • Supreme Court of India

  • Delhi High Court

Recent cases handled
Type of case
1 Sep 2017
Criminal Law
Feroz Ahmad Parrey's recent answers
  • Divorce along with criminal case
    Answered 5 years ago
  • Fraud, forgery, cheating, cheque bounce
    Answered 5 years ago
  • Injunction application
    Answered 5 years ago
  • Answered 5 years ago
  • Want to start a business in my property
    Answered 5 years ago
  • Forced marriage and action against parents
    Answered 5 years ago
  • Builder overcharging for repair work
    Answered 5 years ago
  • To get back my original documents from college
    Answered 5 years ago
  • Answered 5 years ago
  • Eviction of my own son
    Answered 5 years ago
Office location
District court complex srinagar chamber no. 205
Moominabad rd
Srinagar 190001
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