Since my site is 60 meters from lake, does that create any problem with National green tribunal order of 75 meters buffer space. Although my layout is 100% approved by government authority. Even the site evaluator from nationalised bank assured that there will be no issues with.
In a circular dated February 16, 2017 issued to BBMP, the Urban Development Department said that the Department sought legal opinion on following cases, with regard to NGT’s new no-development buffer zone order issued on May 4, 2016.
The residential layouts that already have a development plan sanctioned by the BDA, where there are empty sites that are not yet developed, that fall in the buffer zone of 75-metres from lakes, 50 metres from primary drains, 35 metres from secondary drains and 25 metres from tertiary drains.
The residential layouts falling in lake buffer zone, that procured no-objection certificate from the BDA before the NGT came out with new buffer-zone rule.
The Legal Department had opined that since the National Green Tribunal did not specify that the buffer zone rules are going to be applicable retrospectively, the rules will be applicable only in the future. So, the above two cases will not fall under the new buffer zone rule specified by the NGT, and will not be considered illegal if the rules at the time of getting applicable sanctions have been followed.