• Wife cheated husband

Myself Govt Electrical Engineer in Telangana State power generation department aged 30yrs. i got recently married in Nov 2017 with assistant labour officer she is also a state govt employee. she works 300kms away from my work place. she stayed with me only 10days after my wedding. She is staying in a single bed room as a tenant alone at her work place since 4yrs but she told me that she is staying in a working womens hostel. I saw her watsapp chats. then i got a doubt on her. I have assigned my brother to locate her hostel but i came to know that she is living with a married person who is her boy friend since 4 years she is in living relation with him. He is also a labour officer same batch. they both were recuited in same year as govt officers. With my family members on march 24 2017 i went to her room at 10PM and was shocked to see them they were semi nude with alchohoic state. I never expected such thing. immediately i called police and media TV channels. police files a case on them. i need justice please help me. any problem to be for my job or my family ? how can i get justice by law? what shall i do now my dad got stroke and admited in hospital.

i have proof almost 10 tv channels showed the news. plese see these youtube links
NTV NEWS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoN7r0ophZs
 ABN NEWS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2b8AhR1nGQ0 
TFC NEWS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79GVb_ic_qM 
10TV NEWS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUqMKnXJZ4Q
 TV5 NEWS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgYAY2VrPs4?
Asked 7 years ago in Family Law
Religion: Hindu

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6 Answers

1) file case of adultery against wife lover under section 497 of IPC

2) file for divorce on grounds of mental cruelty and adultery on expiry of one year of marriage

3) her lover should be made co respondent in divorce case

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
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Based on the FIR filed by the police, you should file for a divorce case.

Since the Crime has been committed by the lady, you are not at fault in any circumstances.

The exhaustive news coverage by itself is sufficient to prove that the lady was in adulterous relationship.

You, your job and your family members are NOT under any risk and all of you do not need to be worried at all.

The lady has NO right whatsoever to file either of the following cases:

1) 498a (Dowry) as it is the lady who was in adulterous relationship.

2) Domestic Violence case- As it is the lady who was in adulterous relationship, Domestic violence case will be quashed in the earliest opportunity by the court.

3) Maintenance= The lady is employed and also was in adulterous relationship and hence not entitled for maintenance.

Courts will grant divorce within 2/3 hearings based on the exhaustive evidence you have posted alongside your query.

You can also file a case for damages and defamation against the lady and claim monetary relief from her on grounds of damages and defamation.

Rajgopalan Sripathi
Advocate, Hyderabad
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1. There are two remedies for you-civil and criminal. You may launch a criminal prosecution against her paramour for the offence of adultery under section 497 IPC which carries an imprisonment of up to 7 years.

2. You are also free to file a petition for dissolution of marriage on the ground of adultery against her.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
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1. You have taken the best possible action in the instant case.

2. At what stage the police case filed against them are now?

3. You can now file an annulment petition on the ground that she has suppressed the vital fact that she is an a serious relationship including physical relationship with another man which she continued even after her marriage and had the said fact been made known to you, you would never have married her.

4. Also lodge a police complaint alleging that she has threatened you for lodging false 498A complaint for taking revenge on you for exposing her adulterous relationship out of her wedlock.

5. This incidence will have no bearing on your official job.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27263 Answers
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No problem for your since you are subject to cheating by that lady. You can file divorce petition on the basis of adultery ground before family court if you wish and divorce will grant because you are having enough and sufficient proof as the police already registered a case and all hte media covered the news. She may file false cases. before that you better to approach court of law.

Lakshmi Kanth
Advocate, Hyderabad
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You have exposed them to the world and also have lodged a complaint with the police for the offences of adultery.

Next what you can do is to file a divorce case on the grounds of adultery after completion of one year from the date of marriage.

Dont file annulment petition because it is not maintainable.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
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