1. By executing Partition Deed, all the 6 of you can own separately the piece of property by metes and bounds through consent of all claimants.
2. It is left to the beneficiaries to agree for equal or different percentage of shares.
3. Assuming that your father died intestate (without executing WILL) and the property got transferred in your mother's name in the municipal records by submitting NOC from all the children stating that the children have no objection to their deceased father's property transferred in their mother's name, then to partition the property amongst your mother and your siblings opt for Partition Deed amongst yourselves.
4. In the alternate scenario, on your father's intestate death, if all the children have executed Release Deed in your mother's favour, then your mother can gift the property to all the children by executing a registered Gift Deed in the jurisdictional Sub Registrar's Office.
5. Based on what is stated in point 3 or 4 , as the case may be, each legal heir shall be entitled to individual document of title and mutation of each individual's name on the partitioned property in municipal records.