Yes, It is possible,
if the matter is related to child custody then you may file an application for restraining him for doing this without your consent or without the permission of the court.
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Recently, My husband has filed a suit in the family court allegations made aginst me are adultery. I am filing reply. I am having one son who is staying with him and my husband is trying to get admitted him in another school and trying to get transfer certificate from the school. Would it be possible for him to get transfer certificate and got admitted in another school without my consent. Please review
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Yes, It is possible,
if the matter is related to child custody then you may file an application for restraining him for doing this without your consent or without the permission of the court.
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1) submit letter to principal not to issue transfer certifcate without your consent
2) your husband would need your consent to admit him to another school
1. It is not clear under whose physical custody you child is presently residing.
2. if he is under your custody then you can write to the Principal stating your objection about TC.
3. Once you inform about your dispute with your husband to the school then the school authority without your consent .
4. If he takes your child away then you can file case of kidnapping agaisnt him.
Dear Concerned,
Yes - if the school is not informed pre hand , father may get the needful done.. Hence you may file an application in the school mentioning that without your consent transfer certificate should not be issued.
Best of luck .
If your husband is trying to illegally and forcibly transfer your child from this school to a school of his choice, you may instruct the school authorities to not to issue TC and can also lodge a police complaint agaisnt your husband for trying to snatch your child from you especially during the pendency of the case in the court.
Though police have no power to interfere in this subject, a pressure from higher police officials would make the local police to pose threats to him so that he does not indulges in such proposed acts.