"In the light of the above discussion, we are of the firm opinion that in such cases of matrimonial disputes, if FIR/chargesheet are sought to be quashed under inherent powers, ordinarily, this Court should not entertain the application under section 482 Cr. P. C. for quashment of FIR/chargesheet until the decree is passed by a competent matrimonial court and certified copy thereof is placed on record along with the application. We clarify this position in order to avoid any chaos in such type of matters."
There is no rule or law that high court shall entertain quash petition only after the decree of divorce is drawn or the marriage is dissolved.
In fact that is a different law to this.
Quashing of FIR for offences under 498a is generally not entertained as a routine except under special circumstances.
In my opinion instead of trying for quash by high court why dont you ask her to turn hostile by filing a memo before the trial court and the trial court shall follow the procedures to dismiss or acquit the case on she turning hostile on the basis of pending divorce case on the grounds of mutual consent, this will be an easy route.
Discuss with your advocate on this aspect too.