Parking spaces have often been a matter of prime concern for several apartment complexes. Often there are some disputes like allocation of spaces or the fee structure
If at all you are purchasing a new property and intend to negotiate with the builder then you must know that a builder is not authorized to sell parking spaces as individual real estate units.
According to the “Apartment Act” in most states, car parking is a part of the society’s common areas.
Once the housing society is registered, it becomes the owner of all the common spaces of the apartment complex including the parking spots.
So, if there are limited number of parking spots, than the managing committee decides the basis of the distribution in consultation with the members. Some take the first come, first serve route and often perform quarterly reshuffles of parking spot to ensure no resident enjoys exclusivity.
Parking spaces are common spaces which belong to the housing society. Allotment of the same is at their discretion and the same can be done by means of First Come, First Serve or however the managing committee deems fit.
For the present you may wait for the formation of society and then take up the matter for reshuffle of the parking slots as per the committee's decision.