Custody of my 5.5 year old son
My son is 5.5 years old and daughter 1 month. I have been living separately from my husband at my mother's house with my son since my 6th month of pregnancy with second child who is now 1 month old. My mother helped me during my difficult pregnancy and thereafter with physical support since last 5 months. My husband visits my kids once a week or twice as he is running a small business where he keeps busy. I am also a small shareholder in his company and currently on maternity leave. My rough equation with my ignorant in-laws which is affecting my child's behavior n upbringing, plus in-laws inability to adjust for peace at home even during my pregnancy (considering my physical inability to climb stairs as my room is on 1st floor while kitchen and my in-laws room being on ground floor) drove me to the point that I left husband's home and am residing with my widow mother in her house on ground floor. The constant agony for the last 5 months wherein my husband fought with me created huge stress for me during my pregnancy and thereafter, thus affecting my already weakening health. My basic and peaceful demand was to raise up our children in a better environment and so shift another place locally but my husband constantly doubts my intentions thinking that i am trying to separate him from his parents, which makes me doubt the sanctity of our relationship any longer. I am worried for the custody of my son who is willing to live with me only and too attached. I even proposed a professional counsellor to my husband but he is avoiding any conversation with me and complacent which is stressing me further as it feels I am the only one who is worried to make efforts save our marriage. My father-in-law is also ignoring my plea for support and any discussion even after I emailed him explaining my intent for physical convenience only plus bringing positivity in our relationships with temporary distance with our considering change in residence locally near them as both paternal and maternal grandparents would be able to visit us. I dont intend re-marriage and look for a solution wherein husband can visit kids and support. Kindly advise
Asked 8 years ago in Family Law
Religion: Hindu