Legal questions

Ancestors property gifted by father to brother while younger brother was minor

Hello There are 2 different properties in question here 1 Our ancestors property was gifted by my father to my second brother in his ill health and later passes away. At this time I was a minor and don't remember if I have signed anything. This was in the 90's while I was in school. After many years and after my mother passing away, my brother has now sold the house which we mutually ...

Want divorce from my husband

We got married just two months ago, but we're already facing significant compatibility issues. My husband often becomes angry for no clear reason and has extreme mood swings. At times, when he's upset, he even hurts himself. When I try to express my concerns, he turns it around and accuses me of disrespecting him, claiming that I hurt him with my words, even though he's the one who triggers the...

No Help from Lawyer

Hello Sir / Madam, I am currently thinking to change my lawyer as the person is not interested or of no help in my current case (cheque bounce) He neither appears for court sessions, nor keeps me informed on his absence. He also does not inform me about any procedures or laws or what are the next steps to proceed with but is keen on asking money for his services which is basically nothing...

Govt job and police verification certificate case

Hello, My son is selected in a high court vacancy, at the time of interview required documents have been successfully submitted. My son have a criminal case which is pending since 2023 in court and chargesheet have been filed for IT ACT 66D, 84C. The issue was he created a blog website where he publish daily recruitment related to govt jobs across India in which he created a webpage which pro...

Refund from Builder and Agreement of Loan with bank - Please Help

Hello, 1 month prior i have booked a flat with a builder giving just the token money of 21k, and rest was promised to be paid after the loan was done, but there was never any contract between the parties. Now, the builder agreed to that and loan process started and after a series of difficulties finally the loan got approved, then we had gone to the bank and signed the loan documents and san...

Nestaway & Landlord Fraud

I signed a lease with Nestaway in May 2024. In October 2024, my landlord forced me to switch to a direct agreement with him, bypassing Nestaway. I informed Nestaway immediately. The landlord had previously tried to get me to sign a direct contract with him. He then had the property removed from Nestaway and collected rent directly. Nestaway called me for OTPs to finalize the offboarding, which ...

Property dispute

I'm a tailor and I have 3 daughters.I have 3 brothers and 4 sisters. Me and my elder brother together bought a shop. Due to some accident my elder brother was in wheel chair for morethan 15 yrs and I was the one who used to work in the shop.My brother used to spend most of the income from the shop to build his own house saying that after me it is for you and your daughters only.But now suddenly...

My manager is pressurising me to put resignation

Hi , I was been hired for the role of cloud engineer in IBM on November 9th 2021. But was not given the work of cloud engineer . Since there were no such project I was forced to work on different skills which were of non technical . Since I was newly joined I accepted it and worked . After 3 years now , project got completed . I’m in bench period from 2+ month now and now my manager is say...

Mainatainance and property

Married for 3 years 2 months but from the day of marriage fight occurs beacuse husband don't give salary and gives to his mother and sister both are working, husband has taken lot money including gold loan from my gold cash on hand for his accident and many expenses done by me in reverse he didn't even spent single money. Daughter is 2.3 yrs old he haven't even came to see daughter from birth b...

Child custody to father

I got married in 2016 and 8 years gone now. My wife is diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder and unsure when it was started but she is telling that only one episode happened before wedding and it lasted for a week and taken neurobian tablet during the time. Her parents aren't bothering about my concerns when I tell them about this disorder. After wedding I've seen 6 episodes of depression o...

Nam lands

My father expired in 1968 ... after father expired , as I was cultivating the land and doing pooja of temple Inam land is granted on my name and I have occupancy rights ... for ur kind information land is granted directly to me from government in the year 1978. and not from father what I mean is father didn’t get occupancy rights I applied to special deputy commissioner under the Inam abolition...

Obc non creamy layer clarification

Hi I'm a UPSC aspirant and I'm trying to get my OBC NCL certificate to avail reservations. However the tahsildar refused to issue me an OBC NCL certificate saying that my father's salary is over the income limit. Even though his salary income is over the limit, he works as an assistant sub inspector in the police department who was appointed as a constable into the department about 25 years ...

My boyfriend played with my feelings and has caused mr severe emotional trauma and mental torture

I was in a relationship with a guy for 2 years everything was good in the beginning as he and I both said we havr true love and had the promise that we'll never leave each other and that breakup is not an option then suddenly after 6 months he said he has lost love and I asked why he said I don't know and listening to this I realized he only faked love me and he never had true love so I just le...

Court is attaching the property of my in laws without hearing their side of the story

Seeking an answer on behalf of my inlaws. So my brother in law and his wife have been married for almost 15 years (settled in Bangalore). They have had issues for a long time. 2 years ago she convinced my brother in law that it was best if she took a break and shifted to her parents place in Kerala. His wife and her parents expected that my brother in law would drop everything in Bangalore ...

How to get compensation when a builder register sale deed unfinished flat without occupancy certificate and fire certificate etc

# Builder took complete flat amount in 7/2015 with agreement time limit 18 months. # Unfinished flat Sale deed done by Builder on 5/2018 stating completed in all respect. # later on Occupancy certificate(OC) got on 25/10/2024. Fire certificate in 12/2023. # In 2019 Without getting OC and fire certificate Builder made some buyers to reside in apartment. In 4/2020 Builder along with buyers m...

Cancelling marriage after Roka

His mother met me and forced me to meet my family as she wants me to get married with her son and after so many ups and downs. I managed my family to get ready for Roca and they pressurised me, and after getting Roca done one day, his whole family hosted me and called my mother and said shitty things about me like talking about my past that she was with so many people in this and that, but they...

Use abusive language on Gmail and editing documents

Hii, this is Arshdeep Badesha from Melbourne Australia. My husband deported from Australia because he made fake documents to apply Australia visa applications for others from India So he went to India 3rd November 2024 in India and when he returned beck to Australia, he was arrested at airport for that all and also for domestic violence. But his brother abused me via Gmail messages, I have...

Can a bank evacuate tenant

Respected dignatories good afternoon i am residing in ambernath mumbai agreed to reside in property wherein I have acquired one flat at a heavy deposit of Rs.5 Lakhs in the month of April 2021 for the agreement which was duly registered for a tenancy period of 22 months and for renewal of agreement i called the landlord many times but everytime he took excuses on the same, now it has come to no...

Multiple times for investigation

498A, 406 and 34 filed by wife in a case. It was with CAW for three months but then FIR was registered. FIR and complaint was against my parents, me and married sister and brother in law (sister and brother in lives abroad from the start) . Police called for investigation (notice u/s 35(3) of BNSS) to Parents and me. Notices were surved on whatsapp only, no call no mail. On the date of investig...

Uttar Pradesh agriculture property for married daughter

Uttar Pradesh agriculture property for married daughter I want to ask in Uttar Pradesh do married daughter can claim share in agricultural property of mother's and father's according to Hindu Succession Act (2005) if parents died without making WILL for the argricultural land As per mine knowledge i am sharing this According to the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005, a married daug...