case is ipc 354,354a,67,67a,3,4 Child sexual abuse

Dear sir/ case is ipc 354,354a,67,67a,3,4 Child sexual abuse.On morning of 2 oct.2013 time 10:45 morning one girl is enterd on my cyber cafe and and told me that i have to changed my facebook password.i have given her permission to sit.after half hour she is trying to see some of the adult site.because I have opend my shop after 6 days.i was doing cleaning of my shop .But I have not seen her to use adult site.after half hour Ihave suddenly seeing that she searchin some of the adult site.I told her not use this site please other wise i will told to your father.because he is coming regularly to my shop.and i told her to go out.After this in the evening the police came and told me that come to the police station some body lounched FIR against you.I was gone with that police mans.And police arrested me for this case.The girl's age is 17 years and 8 month on that time.Now in the session court.she has given statement against me.but her father mother ,sister supported me.her friends are also given statmente on my support.I wanted to know that in this case IT act 67,67a is applicable.