Forcefully married my father admit in hospital
I m forcefully married 27.05.2014. (My story is below this is my 1st part and 2nd part I will tell you after this answer)
We have accepted the marriage proposal as on date 4.05.2014 and discussed the same in the meeting at my home. girls party print a marriage patrika and given us as on date 07.05.2014
(We both the party staying in Mumbai but girls party request to us and we agree the marriage hall book in yovtmal maharashtra bcz both the party native place is amaravti)
My father is accidentally illness due to BP low from 13.05.2014 in that case my father told me we can postpone this marriage in diwali due to my illness the same massage we have forward to girls mother and her mamma.
girls family don’t agree for postpone marriage, they told we are coming your home to visit its true or false as on date 15.05.2014 at 5 pm hence girls brother and her kaka came my home and my father is requesting to them postpone this marriage due to my illness but girls brother and kaka saying we are not postpone this marriage we have given patrika to our relatives and they are not ready to listen anything and my father BP again low and serious in front of them. We call the doctor at home in emergency basis…..and they told us we wil think on this matter and postpone the same.
And same day night at 1 am and 3 am my father comes 2 small heart attack and we have admit my father in hospital ICU from 16.05.2014 and discharge 23.05.2014 at 6 pm evening.
I am also not well due to viral fever from 22.05.2014 and in the marriage video I m not ready to stand on stage properly.
We came down from hospital to home 23.05.2014 The same day we have call to them (girls party) at 9 pm for regarding marriage postpone. Girls party said we have ready to marriage you come down with 10 people or send to boy only we can not postpone this marriage. we request them come my home and see the condition we have not ready anything for marriage so they told we (girls brother, mama, kaka) coming your home 25.05.2014 and we will discuses.
As on date 25.10.2014 they are coming with 15 to 20 people (include 2 lawyers also) at my home and saying we will not postpone this marriage we are fully ready for marriage. You are admit in hospital this is your problem
girls party given some condition in front of my family
1 give us written confirmation you will marry my doter after diwali and give me exact date or
2 do it register marriage as on same date 27.05.2014 or
3 come alone at hall or come with 10 people and marry my doter
if you are not coming for marriage then we will file a case on you 498 and Defamation and girl call me and told me if you not marry me on same day I will suside with your name.
then me and family decide to marry on same day (my father illness condition and me in fever condition)
Please advice which case I have to file on my wife and her parents (my wife sty with me only 3 moths and left my home her own wish)