Legal opinion

Sub-legal opinion dearsir,recently a suit for specific performance in which i was defendant no 2 was decreed against the plaintiff.the property involved was mutated in my favour in 1996.since then i am paying property tax,water bills is an under construction house in which construction is in abeyance due to paucity of funds.i am a member of local rwa paying security charges etc. regularly.i have got a data cardactivated,3 bank a/cs,my daughters i card issued,photographs of our being in possession of the premises with newspaper clippings,,intimating local police of the status of property since 2000(peshbandi).recieving regularly surface mail/couriers,home delievery bills etc on that the recent past an elderly person approached me to engage him as a watchman to which i to my surprise he is supposed to be a person on the payroll of the plaintiff who lost the litigation.though i am not denied access to the premises at all hours.but pl. let me know the action which can be contemplated civil/criminal against this trespass&legal consequences of his cotinuing there .thanks from email [deleted]