13 B criminal case
Hi All i wanted a suggestion from you all in regards to my Divorce. I got married in the month of February and later withing three months came to know the affair that she had through the calls and msgs of the girl with the help and advice of my lawyer. i was able to take the appropriate evidence and then filed nullity of marriage and then we informed the girl parents and her sister and her mother agree the mistake of there daughter and gave return letter. But there father and her brother in law approached through some local politician to comprise and take back the girl back forgive which my family or i didn't wont to take her back. In the mean while her brother in law told will give dowry harassment case on me and my family, if we don't take the girl back. But as per my lawyer advise we applied for anticipatory bail but we got intimidatory bail. Later a common person from both the family side and came and spoke and made there parents the mistake that there daughter made and finally the agreed for mutual divorce. But the asked for settlement of 2.50000. For which my family members agreed and thought to get this done and my lawyer also advised to get this done. But my lawyer who told them at the time of singing mutual consent they should also sing 13B criminal case because they don't divert from case or take back the case because for my good he was telling. Also there is a hearing on 6th regarding my bail petition. So wanted to know weather can i withdraw the case which was filed and go for mutual or still keep the case pending.So kindly advice.