Divorce and property

Hello, I have two concerns 1) divorce 2) property I ramu got married on 2015 to jancy (christian) with our parents acceptance. marriage unregistered till now. she gave birth to a boy just months back. Stopped all kind of communication recently. reason for seperation - blackmail and unhealthy practices and behavior and false accusations by her on me and money minded. issue about property- my father is selling his property (may be few days from now because he is suffering from huge loans) and is unwilling to give me my share and wants just my signature. questions- 1) if i file for a divorce will my wife get any share of the money that i get from my father after selling the property? even if i ask my father to transfer into fd account rather than buying a house or property? 2) how can i save the money from going to her as she is only interested in that money and any chance of getting the custody of the child? if incase it alimony that i have to pay...then wats the percentage of amount should it be if my only income is from the fd account ? (she does not know where the money is going to be transferred but waiting to take advantage of it and me and my situation) 3) what should i do if my father is going to sign a sale deed without my knowledge and then after clearing loans then write a will in my brothers names? im so cornered here please help me out. dont i have any rights if its my fathers property? and can my wife have a share of it if seperated? 4) how can i take precaution from facing all those false accusations framed by her on me (like incase she goes police for filing complaint as dowry harassment (which i did not ask)) or torture (which i did not do) or blackmail (which i did not do))? 5) she is blackmailing that she will not come back and keep the child with her and even her parents support her. Just because they dont like my son to grow in my culture. she is listening to parents after marriage and now wants me to convert or else she will keep the child with her. she wants only money from me. wat shud i do? In this country women have so much power that men are used only for money. i dont get to even grow my child as i want... jus because the child has to stay with mother. even all the ceremonys planned is cancelled because of her and her parents. she used me for money then married me for money and after marriage keeps the baby and blackmails...how can a man even have a say in court or anywhere if a woman behaves like this. I have so much respect for women because i am born to a woman and treated my spouse like one...but she is taking advantage of me and my family and taking us for ride....