Property Issue

Dear all legal experts, Seeking advice from you all. My father in law has 3 properties and 3 sons. mother in law has expired. 1 property (house) is solely on father in law name 1 property (house) is on father in law and one of the brother in law (he is in abroad 70% shareholder) name 1 property (shop) is on sales agreement and trying to get register on father in law name. 2 brothers want to sale all property and share equally but the problem is one of the brother in law, who is staying in 1 home and does not cooperate in selling the house (this one is biggest property) like if somebody go to check property (even client) they fight with them make them run away. he wants 1 house and shop both. he says we ( 2 brothers are in abroad as of now because of job ) are settled so we should not get much amount. he is not ready to vacant the house (we are ready to pay his all rent till the time properties sold and divided). but he is not ready for any mutual agreement and just want one house and shop. our problem is without vacant house we can not sell the house. please advice what steps can be taken in this situation. sincere thanks