For divore advice on minor age issue

Me and my real brother got married in April 2007.also both wives are real the time of marriage my age was 6 days less then 18(minor) and my wife was also minor that mother(widow) forcefully done my marriage that time and i haven't any option at that age. after that my brothers family life was good till now and they have two boys and i haven't any physical relations from at least last five years and also before that not much so i haven't any child.due to the mind broken by early age i was not prepared till date to get a family life yet so i raise my divorce issue with fight from my own family and atlast i made them to agree on that my in-laws said that they will not going to give me any divorce if i going to get divorce they will giving me warning of dire consequence at present i m earning 30k per month in delhi metro and living from past 5 years here and my brother is making 6k in my village by private house and a land of 7 acre are on my mother name and 2acre of land is on my brother name i have no property till date apart from that all money was spend by me on that property.also i have found that my wife have extramarital affair and got two abortion without my knowledge and i only know that by my family member not any proof given also not required on this type of matter. so this is the warning of my in law if i m taking a divorce..... 1 they will file the case and i will lost my job as i still unmarried in my job record(by laziness i havnt notice yet this small issue) 2 they will file divorce case for both and our half property will be theirs as they are from womens side and lawyer are saying for that 3 my sister in law also get divorce because my wife is her real sister and they are not going to accept that one will go and one will stay i want a legal advice on what charges i have to burden on this matter if they file case against me or what alimony i and my brother have to pay if they file case. also want a good laywer from my area and want to know the procedures for getting divorce