Fed up with brothers quarrel every day

Hi, i live in a house which have 4 feet or may be 3 feet wide and approx 20 feet long sharing passage/gallery with my brother, front house is mine and back side of that house is of my brother, and a small gallery/passage(20 feet x 3 feet) went straight though side which directly goes to my brothers house.i have 1 door of a room directly opening in street and the other one is in the gallery/passage that passage also connects with my staircase to first floor and one more room, Out of 20 feet on first floor may be on i have covered approx 9 feet where i have put my goods.ie, washing machine etc. and other approx 11 feet is open to skynow problem is that brother start fighting with me every day for that piece of gallery although it dnt create any trouble to him still he want it to be demolished.he abuse us daily humiliates daily in our locality. and in summers 2014 once he succeed in demolishing that gallery. then my brother's wife's brother came in between and they sought the matter and reconstructed the gallery with everyone's consent.at that time my brother and his wife hit my wife with brick and she had deeep injury and stiches too ,we launFIR and no police did any thing . Again he started the same thing . We dnt have any problem in demolishing that small gallery but then we try to build a room on second floor or may be on first floor, but he wont allow us as he says that sunlight and air will not come, as there is another 3 story building is constructed on his right hand side and our house is on left and side and his on back as our build makes T .Please suggest something i am in depression and dont know what to do next.