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divorce in special marriage act

Hi, i am Pratap and i am hindu (jain) from maharashtra , i am doing job of Accountancy , i married a bhori (muslim) girl, she takes tuitions of childrens and also have a job now, we married in september 2012 under special marrriage act after that till year we didnt lived together for 1 year because she delayed it give some or other reasons. Then in December 2013 we convinced our parents and did reception in December and we started living together. Then first couple of months were normal but after that she started ignoring me and my family, she used to talk to the parents on phone most of the time, she used to take tuition's of small children away from home to which we had no problem but she used to go to meet her parents every day after tuition's without informing and wen asked about it she used to lie, she used to go to college for B.ed study part time only saturdays but she used to do half day and go to take tuitions and again wen asked she used to tell she was in college, and on sunday she again used to go to tuitions telling that saturdays tuition was missed so she need to take tuitions on sunday also. Wen she was doing all this i came doubt i recorded all her calls and i came to know that all the things mentioned above were true and much more. Her priority were tuitioins and by the name of tuitions she wanted to go to meet her parents. her tuitioins were far away from house so we said to take tuitions at home so she scared and started fighting on this topic. Then she started thinking of doing blackmagic on me and my mother so that we listen to all her things and she told this plan to her mom and brother, they didnt refused and they were also supporting her. so we came to know this by her recordings and much more negative things she used to discuss with her parents. so we discussed wit my wife and she didnt agreed to all this and left the home. from past 3 months she is at her parents house. Now i want divorce and sent her notice, in reply she send notice to us about physical and mental harrasment , she also mentioned in notice that i asked her for money of about 6 lack for business which is not true at all, and she mentioned we should apologize her and accept her with no bounding s and restriction . I dont want to continue this marriage with her so please guide me what should i take next step and as my salary is lower, she has more salary then me about double then me , what are the chances of divorce and alimony ? Please suggest