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Partition Suit

HI, We were having a joint family till few years ago. The family propery includes a few Acres of land in suburban ernakulam. Three years ago , a few members including me had given a partition suit as some members were not ready for a partition to happen as there were occupying prime area in the city, probably fearing that they have to pay us a good amount after their share amount. In between , one of the opponents started selling the family land in the suburbs claiming that this was given to him by his uncle who died 30 years ago. We have lawyers and they always tell us that we would get our fair share. But it has been three years now and the still no commission is being set by the court. the case is dragging on and is exactly what our opponents want. Also, our lawyers advice us not to go for an additional suit to prevent selling of land as this would again drag the partition case in a different direction and things will get further delayed. I just want to know how we can prevent this person from going on selling our property land . also, the case is dragging on and on