Hi, I am a Bengali married to a marwari Man. We have a 2 yrs old daughter. From day 2 itself I have faced several humiliation. I raised my voice but my hubby never have a say in front of his Mother. I have no issue with my FIL and BIL. But I had received no SUPPORT from my husband and MIL. I am a working lady and my daughter stays with my Biological mother after birth. All her any my EXPENSE is borne by me. My Parents are not financially sound.My husband does not care about ours needs. He only cares about his family and RESPONSIBILITY towards his family. I have no issue with that but what about us. Even during my Pregnancy I mentally suffered a lot but my husband is heartless. I was always alone even I was alone when I had to abort by 2nd child. My MIL cannot take care of my child. She takes care of her grand daughter from her elder son and always COMPARES her with my daughter. This hurts me. I want mental Peace and right and security for myself and my child.
Please advice