Validity of marriage.
Dear Experts.
Kindly suggest me that how can I ask in court to produce my first marriage proof, witness and my gf statement..??
I did arrange marriage in Dec.2011, two monthe before marriage my gf and her parents emotianally forced me to marry with her daughter in Aarya samaaj temple otherwise she will do suicide and also tried to suicide. I went with them in temple where she did marriage Infront of her parents and witness from their side, took marriage proof. I told her to come in my home sothat we can deny my arrange marriage but she didnt come at my home. I told my parents/inlaws to cancel my arrange marriage but they asked me to present my wife or marriage proof, I called to my gf, her parents but they didnt talked to me so I entered in arrange marriage.
After my arrange marriage my gf, her parents informed my parents, frainds, relatives, wife, inlaws about my temple marriage with her daughter and faught for her right of first and legal wife. When my wife asked to show marriage proof they gave some photos, witness, marriage certificate and our 2years relations photos.
This situation created a huge problem infronts of our arrange marriage validity so my wife and inlaws broked relationship with us and demanded divorce, marriage expenditure. After 2year of harresment, torcher and fear of bigamy, fraud, dowry case, our families comromised and filed mutual divorce in Nov 2014.
When my gf and her parents understood that my divorce happened they dramatically changed and now my gf and her parents escaping from me, they anyhow not giving chance to contact my gf, she is also not intrested to talk to me.