Partition of Land

Hi Sir, Happy New Year My father in law has some property around 1 Acer. He has two children one daughter and a son. I got married to his daughter. I have the follow questions regarding the partition of the land? 1) Whether there is any law which states that the land should be shared among his two children? If yes, what is the section number? 2) Suppose if he is giving the entire land to his son then whether I can appeal a case in the court with my signature? If yes, What is the section number? 3) For Example: My father in law spoke with his daughter (my wife) and he brain washed her that he is going to give his entire property to his son. In this case my wife will not support to file a case because he brain washed her? In this scenario is there any way to file a case by myself and get the property from him? 4) Recently I heard a news that they have implemented a new law stating that the land should be shared among his all children? Is it true? Please help me to understand. Note: The land which he has is not earned by his own effort. He got this from his father.