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Sorry, this lawyer can't accept your request, but you can request consultation with another lawyer

Shall we change our lawyer? Is there any chance of win?

My sister & her daughter was thrown out of her house by her husband and in laws. She was bitten for dowry and physically tortured by her husband and in laws. Moreover her husband was having sexual relationship with his bhabhi. My sister caught them red handed too. When she reported this she was thrashed and thrown along with her girl child. Her in laws used to curse her because she gave a delivery to girl child. Sister was disowned by her in laws in a local newspaper so that they can play legally against her. First we tried to solve the matter and waited for more than 6 months if some settlement could be done as we never wanted to break the marriage. But her in law wanted to leave my sister and hence they planned and started recording our phone calls and provoked us. Henceforth we discussed our matter with a lawyer. Instead of going to women cell he directly filed the case in district court. Though we questioned him why not women cell. He told us they will do nothing and its better to appear directly in court. As we never seen court and had no idea how to proceed. We had no option to trust our lawyer. My father paid him 1 lac rupees form his hard earn saving. We paid lawyer in advance the full amount. It was July 2013 we filed the case. First it took almost 3 months for Judge to check our application, (we got repeated dates) and when complaint was seen it was asked for cognizance offence and gave 5 months later date. Our lawyer asked this to challenge in upper court. Very sadly to inform, Judge never ever read our petition. We were given almost 15 repeated dates. Every time, my old father, mother and my sister went to court and we were given date. No justice no decision, nothing. One day when judge again gave next date (almost 7 months), my mother and father started crying and opposed in front of him. He read our petition that day only in front of us, and next day he rejected our petition. Such a mockery it was done with us. First he did not even read our petition and when we opposed he rejected. He wasted 6 months of my sister and our family. Our lawyer asked us to challenge his rejection in High court and demanded for another 2 lacs. But we denied him and appeared in lower court. We thought we will get justice. But again we were given a four month later date which is due next month