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physical realtion: breach of trust

In 2008 a girl got attracted towards a boy, both were about19 that time. She told him that she likes her and there friendship flourished which turned into love thereafter. They also have some far family relations. Boy became constable and girls was doing B.Sc. Boy use to show a lot of love and once took her to some hotel and tried to had physical relation. Girl resisted and escaped and nothing was done. He told him that he will marry her. She told him that talk to my parents. He told that my job is very small and your parents will not allow. He took her to temple and put sindur in her maang and said that we are married now. He also involved his elder married sister in this and his sister use to call the girl and use to say that he will die without you. He started having physical relation with her. After one year boy's parents fixed his marriage and girl told her to talk to his and her parents that we want to marry. He told my father will die if i will do so. She cried and told that i will not allow to do this. he told her that ok i myself will die and then it will not be a problem. She called her sister and sister also took the same stand. Girls got afraid and told him that do whatever you want to do but donot die. Boy got married but didnot liked his wife because of her physical features. he contacted the girl again and start crying and and told that his wife have some boyfriend and i am not going to have relation with him, i will divorce her soon and will never touch her and marry you. She will be happy with his boyfriend and we also will be happy. Girl was madly in love with that guy took his words seriously. He started showing that he left his home and lives alone where he works. she asked him question what your parents say about this. He told that i cannot get a divorce till 3 years after marriage according to law. After 3 years I will give her divorce till then let her do whatever she do. She believes him so much that she thought he is telling truth. His sister also took the same stand. They again started having physical relations. Girl was not interested in that but since he was showing that he is sacrificing so much for her love, her trust on him went to different level and she start believing in everything whatever he said. When she refused to meet him he use to cry and tells her that i left everything for you and even his sister also calls her that meet him otherwise he will die. After one year she get to know that his wife is pregnant. She cried and asked her how it happens, how can she give birth if you are not having any relation with him. he again told him that child is not mine it is from his boyfriend. She asked how could she give a birth to the child in your home. he again convinced her that let her otherwise people will say he is not able to control her wife. just a matter of 2 years. I will talk to her and lay down in her feet and say that go with your boyfriend and we will marry then. Her sister also told her that his wife character is not good we know that but because of societal pressure we have to keep her till divorce. Element of doubt has flourished in her mind and she started refusing to go with him and said that talk to my parents. He told her that my job will go if i will leave my wife now and case will also be registered. Do you want me to see in jail. he also told her that if your parents will know that you are having physical relation with me they will kill themselves. Girl got afraid and started going again. She asked him that why don't you do DNA test of the baby and show me that child is not yours. He told that it is illegal and in police cases only you can do it. She told him many times that i donot like having physical things this can happen after marriage also. When sometime she resisted he beats her and sometime convinced her by crying and showing his love. She again is in suspicion and tried to leave him and stopped meeting him. He went with her sister in her home in front of her parents. Parents knew her because of relation and she got extremely afraid of that. She again started going with her. Now three years have passed, she told him that give her divorce. he told her that his wife is not ready and she will file a case against him if i will do so and think about that little baby what will happen to him. she told that i will take care of baby. he told that talk to your parents yourself. i will not come in between. Many time he use to come to her hostel fronts and use to blackmail her that come with me otherwise i will yell here. Now girl also got pregnant because they were not using any safety measures during sex. This was 4 month when she realized and she had an illegal abortion of the child. After abortion she was like that what to do and she again accepted that one day he will marry her. After abortion he started abusing her about her private parts. Her doubt now become firm conviction that she have leave him but how she will, she didnot knew. In 2013 her father fixed her marriage and she got engaged. He called her fiance and told him that she is having relation with him. Her finance talked to her and told her that talk to your parents otherwise he will always blackmail you. She told some parts of the story to her parents, they cried and talked to boys parents. Now he is not blackmailing her. Can you help me what can be done legally in this case. How this man who used this girl who was in madly love with the guy can get punishment. Is there any fault of the girl. I will appreciate you help. Looking forward to hear from you.