False 498

Namaste, I am bhumi Chaudhari from Gujarat and i am a researcher(studying).My story is bit complicated and let me compile it to shorter. My Brother who is 33year old got married 2 years back and it was his second marrige. All thing was absolutely correct with my sister in law but she was always having complains for our family and we use to fullfill all. My father pass away in 2014 and after that my sister in law started harrasing us very badly she wanted money to help her parents. She went to her fathers house and started doing false cases on us.We didnt have atleast shount on her and she has complaint about domestic violence and so many wrong rumors. she has wriiten name of me. my mother (56year old), and my fiance we are recently engaged and she even drag him into this. we have tried alot for compromise but she want to harass us.She wants to destroy my carrier as well. and wants to break my marriage by doing this. Now a days she is living in one woman shelter house to keep her parents reputation high and they are calling to my family and telling that they will destroy my family and legally they have all things with their hand . We are innocent and our fault ws that we trusted her. I am feeling like committing suicide because it comes to our entire family. My mom's health is falling bad day by day just beacause of these. Is there any legel thing we can do to prove ourself right and get out of this stress??? Please help me my entire family is in big trouble.