My husband harrased me and sent me out of the then he filed petition section 9 of Hindu marriage act

Since next day of the marriage things were not working in between us, just 1month of marriage his sister disclosed about his sexuality as he's not in any girls and only interested in men, it was shocking for me because he was behaving abnormal, just a week after marriage he started using vibrator and catheter Pipes of 20cm to make baby artificial by saying that we both are fat and cannot have baby naturally, being a dentist he was doing that iui process of making baby in home, i refused then he started demanding gold and plot from my parents. I was helpless and took his harrassments, After 2 months i couldn't get conceive so be blamed me by stating that I have aborted the child because he was very sure about the catheter Pipes injection. But I never conceived, but I seen in his phone he was texting vulgar things with boys , when I asked him about it , she thrown me out of his home by stating that I had an affair, this all happened in just 2months of marriage, and when I came to my mom's house he filed petition section 9 of Hindu marriage act. When my parents gotta know about his harrassments my parents don't want me to go to him. Please help me what to do.