Failed to provide transfer certificate.

Hi, We signed an agreement on 22/04/2023 to buy a land and had given advance in cash to the property dealer. Agreement stated that with in 80 days which is 09/07/2023 First party has to give the remaining amount and second party will have to transfer the land on that day. If not complied by first party they have to return double the amount and if not complied by second party they would have no right over there advance amount. Here in our aggreement property dealer signed as first party as a real owner not the person who's property it was, that person had given is file to the dealer to sell his land. But after 80 days transfer paper has not been provided to us, and when after being time they asked for more money which we provided in check that went to the real owner of land. But still they are not providing us with transfer paper and when told that we will take legal action the real owner is telling they will lie in court about the purpose why check was given to them and not for property because he didn't signed the agreement. But we have call recording of him saying all this and agreeing to about purpose of check for property, they doesn't know about we have recording. But still till today 09/03/2024 even after 8 months we are not provided with transfer paper. I would like to how I would be able take my money back from property dealer with double amount and from the actual owner. Please help.