Legal advice regards to mental torture

I am from Telangana and I have been in an arranged marriage from almost 7 years, but it has been a disaster. My wife is manipulative and if I don't do as she wants, there is always a fight. For 6 years I suffered and it affected me physically and mentally. She is violent to my kid and aggressive. There were many instances she left the home and went to her parents. This time she and her father and brother took away her including whatever gold they gave to her during marriage. We stopped saying dont break this marriage, but they were so adamant and did even bother about relationship and 4 year old son. I was away for few months for my office work and she has treated 4 year old son with lot of violence's and shouting at him. he dont want to go to her now and he is living with us for past 6 months. My life has no peace beside her or far from her. Now since her parents took her away, they are trying to call my family members, friends and threatening that we will file a case against you. She has even been very rude to my parents. I want to file for divorce with the hope that all these harassment stop and that I can start to see a better life. But I am unsure what consequences will be being a guy and everyone says Kanoon is always in favor of women? What can I do? Is there any legal way to defend my family and I have proof of the chat on whatsapp that she sent to me saying she made a mistake and cannot take care of her as she is unfit mother.?