How to proceed if third party respondent request application is pending in Civil Court?

Dear Lawer, My uncle Mr. S and I had equal share in a Farm land (class 2). We both had our names on the title document of the land. We orally decided to do farming sides (Me at south side of the land and him at north side of the land). But later, my uncle Mr. S sold his share to his uncle Mr. M for nominal price. Later after 12 years my uncle Mr. S decided to claim back his land so his wife and two children filed claim application in Civli Court in 2019 and they put my uncle Mr. S, his Uncle Mr. M and The collector's name as respondent. They did not add my name in repondent list (purposefully). And when they filed case for the claim, they mentioned that their part in the land is south (which is mine as per oral discussion). Later in 2021, I applied as third party respondent in the case mentioning that the south part is mine and also the claim itself is invalid as petitioner did not add me as repondent. The court took my application on the record. It's now 2024 and still my name has not been added as respondent in the case. Also, my the case is now at a stage where police is sending notice to Uncle Mr. M by hand as Uncle Mr. M is consistently absent due to his last stage. I am worried that the case will be over, and still my name won't be added in the case. My lawyer is doing nothing but just saying that "we have got next date". Should I go High Court and make them aware? Thanks. Amit