Alimony related

I live abroad and was married for an Indian women for a very brief period of time. I came to know later that she has hidden many things from her past, including the fact that she was a divorcee. So i sent her back to India and asked for a mutual divorce. She filed a interim maintenance (crpc 125) case against me and court sent the petition which i did not receive as I had changed my apartment. The court issued an ex part order for alimony which was shared to me by her in an email. I chose to not respond because I did not want to get into these issues. Now she has filed a petition in the court to auction my parents' property to recover the alimony. I still have no rights in my parent's property. I also do not have any property of my own in India. As far as I have read and understand, she has no right in the property of her in laws. Can the court still pass an order to auction my parent's property to recover the alimony. Please do not be judgmental. There is more to the complete story but I just want to focus on this topic first. Thank you.