Procedure for senior citizen to get access to their property

1. My mother (aged 70) was awarded title to a particular share in her fathers property by the court and the property is under mutation now. 2. No one is physically staying in the property at the moment. 3. Her nephew (who use to stay earlier) has put his lock on the main gate and is willing to give her share only when she gets everyone else to the property to take their share. He is refusing to give a handover date and is harassing her by asking us to go to the court for her individual possession. 4. Other parties who were awarded a share by the hon. Court are having disputes within their own families and it is not possible for us to get them aligned. Q: is there a law which states that one party can get possession only if other shareholders also come? Since the lock on main gate blocks access to my moms share, can we break the lock and get access (the house is guarded by a second lock, which we are not interested in accessing). Once we access, we want to demarcate as per the courts ruling and build a wall. We want to do this quickly - so would a senior citizen cell (the police) be the right authority or do we need to go to a court? We do now want to extend this into notices and hearings.