Division of plot
Ours is a society within society.. Initially few like minded people came together and purchased a land under a society name. Few years later same land was given to a builder for development and as a compensation to original society members got their twin bungalows built up in one part of the land... Another part of the land builder built multistory buildings and sold the flats. Builder prepared single development plan with two types of buildings (twin bungalows and multistory buildings ). Twin bungalows are handedover to original land owners. In another part builder built 4 multistory buildings with total 197 flats and sold to other buyers. Builder also registered a separate coop hsging society for these 4 multistory buildings. Currently there are 49 members of original society under which the land was purchased (48 original members who purchased land and one member is this multistory building society ). Is division of the plot is possible in this case.. (One plot with twin bunglow society and another multistorey building society ) there is common access road to both the societies.