Rights of minor over sold ancestral property

Hi, We purchased a site in a layout in 2010 when it was being formed. Now we are observing new claims for a survey no in layout. Registered sale agreement was performed in Jan-2007 with the owner of survey number along with all his family member along with one minor girl of 17 years. She signed the sale agreement document as witness also. In sale agreement it was mentioned that GPA will be executed for sale of the sites. On the same day GPA was made in the name of the builder by all the family members missing the minor girl (17 years old). Her name was not present in the registered GPA document. Both Sale Agreement and GPA were executed in 15 mins difference in the same sub-registrar office. In 2009-10 the layout sites from this survey number were sold to many people. Now in 2022 a lawyer while checking documents for resale found that the Minor girl was missing in GPA and hence her name is missing in all sale deeds executed thereafter. Now, to include her in the resale sale deed document few people approached her for signature for which she started charging 1 Lakh per registration. My question is can she claim rights over the survey number that was executed with GPA in 2007 and the sales for which were made in 2009-2010. Is it right to get her signature in the new registrations? Please suggest any other alternative. Regards.