Husband fraud

We did love marriage and gave him dowry 10L and gold later he told me that he wanna go to canada and study my mom was government teacher with her help he took surety sign 20L for his education loan later he told that he gonna take me as dependent and also he told me that to come to canada they want genuine relationship if you give me affidavit form for 30L they think our relationship is genuine and grant me visa i gave sign,he is from non IT and created all fake documents for visa he didn’t showed he took loan from bank instead he used my payslips bankstatement and income tax that I’m his financial supporter and later he changed address to my home address and took loans from other banks too in this way he cheated in every way after going to canada he blocked my and my parents contacts. when i reach police he is very confident that no one gonna do any harm until i come to india it takes minimum 5years that he have to come so i have no idea even i filed cases on him 498A, section 3,4 and 420 but even police unable to do anything unless he come to India I don’t have any idea it’s been 5months since he went can i mail to canada embassy about his fraud would they help me