Loaned money

Good day, Money was lent for a short period of time in good faith trusting the individual. The money was not returned at the due date and is still pending. we had to reach the mother to convey this but to our surprise, she was not aware of the loan. when this was addressed to the son /he was extremely disrespectful and said we were blackmailing/cyberbullying and harrassing his mother even though he has been in touch with us ( we are parents of my daughter who had loaned the money). There have been exchange of email and whats app messages but ultimately only a part of the money has been sent. He has filed a police complaint in hyderabad and said the remaining money has been sent but unfortunately we have not recieved the money till date. The money had to be in the account by 12th Jan 2024 and because he was disrespectful and we strongly believe he was dishonest an interest has been charged which he denies to pay leave alone the actual amount has not been paid too. He is threatening my daughter and totally unapologetic. we want to file an official complaint so that my daughter is safe and we also want to go and meet the family to explain everything and get our money back which is her rightful money which she loaned in good faith and trust. Thank you