Notice of Application for Execution of Arbitral Award

A close family member, an Indian senior citizen of good standing and reputate, has just received an email from an Indian law firm informing him that they are applying to Bombay High Court for Execution of an Arbitral Award him on behalf of their clients. My relative was shocked to receive this notice as it is the first time he is hearing of any such arbitration against him. While the law firm claims in their email and the application to the court that they served him notice of the arbitration through all the various stages, my relative observed that the physical address they served these notices to as well as his email address were both incorrect. As a result, no notices were received by him over the entire arbitration process and the arbitration as well as the final arbitral award were done ex-parte as they claim. Had he been aware of the arbitration, he would most certainly have presented his case and believes he would have either won or at the very least been able to work out an equitable solution to the dispute. However, now that he has received this notice, it appears that the other party is seeking to put a lien on my relative's bank account to seize his funds and claim the sum of INR 24 lakhs that they were awarded along with 18% interest, amounting to a huge sum of some INR 76 lakhs, as per their calculations. As my relative is a senior citizen with no substantial assets or income, this has put him in great distress. It so happens that the account is a joint account with his wife and grown daughter and currently contains only a small sum of about twenty thousand rupees. His only other major asset is his residence in Mumbai, which is his only property and is shared with his wife and grown daughter as well as mortgaged to a bank for almost 50% of its sale value. He lacks funds to even engage a lawyer but is trying his best to arrange something with our assistance. His greatest fear is that they will now seize his meagre funds and any future funds he or his family may receive in the account as well as the house they live in, leaving them indigent and penniless. My question to you, sirs/ma'ams, is whether the Bombay High Court can issue an order of seizure of property and take my client's only residence (which is shared with his family as well as mortgaged to a third party) and his only savings bank account which is also shared with his family and receives family support funds?