Marriage happened on ground of financial gain in form of streedhan and money

On November 29, 2023, I got married, and by December 8, 2023, my wife returned to her home with all the gold given during the marriage and 1.25 lakh cash, as part of a ritual. However, upon reaching her home, she stated that she would not return and accused me of being impotent for married life. On that day, my wife and I consulted a doctor at Apollo, Delhi, regarding her claim. The doctor confirmed that I am completely fine. Seeking a second opinion, I consulted a doctor at AIIMS Delhi, who provided a written confirmation of my well-being for a healthy sexual life. On December 10, 2023, her father, accompanied by some elderly people, approached my father to discuss the dissolution of our marriage, demanding 14 lakh rupees in exchange for the gold and divorce.. 1. Is there any possibility of obtaining a divorce amicably without meeting their financial demands? 2. Is there a way to recover the gold taken by my wife, given that the marriage seems to have occurred for financial gain in the form of streedhan and money?