Can I legally abandon my narcissistic, abusive father?

I am a 24 year old woman, currently trying to build my career. My father has always been abusive towards my mom and at the age of 15, I questioned him. As a result he abused me physically, mentally and emotionally. He insults me, contacts my teachers and speak ill about me. When I asked him to not interfere in my life, he never listens. We live in the same house but I don't talk to him, blocked his number and everything. His family is also trying to force me to forgive him. He also abused my sister and that's when we decided to file a police complaint. My mom didn't allow us to do that. She threatened to suicide. So we didn't. We discussed things and he agreed to never interfere in my life. But he is still trying to do that. And I want to know if I and my sister can legally abandon him once we are ready to start our own life. I don't want anything from him, don't want any share of property, nothing. But I love my mom, and want to still take care of her. Both me and my sis both have severe mental health problems as the result of his abuse, and he's not even allowing us to live peacefully and focus on our careers. Please provide me with info about what are our options here, for the future. So we can act accordingly.